βοΈ βοΈ A curated collection of best NodeJS Resources
While wokring with NodeJS as a beginner level, many starters are facing issues from where to get help, resources, tips & tricks. This is just a little effort to reduce that and users can find easily all the resources related to laravel being Books, Articles, Latest News, Security Fixes, Cheatsheets and many more.
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- NodeJS Community
- Articles, Tutorials, Blogs
- Article Series
- Frameworks
- Admin/Frontend
- Database Drivers
- Debugging Tools
- Routers
- Form Validation
- Tutorials
- Books
- Videos
- Screencasts
- Learning Courses
- Stackoverflow - Stackoverflow NodeJS Tag
- Github Issues list
- freenode's WebChat
- NodeJS Everywhere - The official Node.js Weekly Newsletter.
- NodeUp - A podcast covering the latest Node news in the community.
- NodeJS Gitter
Latest articles, tutorials, blogs collection
- Building consumer apps with NodeJS
- Node.js at Scale - for advanced developers
- Hard-won Lessions
- Custom Photo Widget with NodeJS
- LearnYouNode - Self-guided workshops for learn NodeJS basics
- Medium Publicatinos for Node
- How to Host a Node.js App on Digital Ocean
- TheNodeWay - Awesome site to learn NodeJS fundamentals
- The definitive guide to choosing the Best JS Framework
- Understanding NodeJS event driven architecture
- Home Automation: Raspberry Pi 3 based home automation with NodeJS and React Native
- Faker.js: Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js
- Build your first Node.js microservice
- Enlightenments from the Node Gurus
- Beautiful APIs in Node
- Ground Control to Major Tom: How NASA Uses Node.js
- NodeJS interview questions and answers
- Retrogames Library with Node, React, and Redux 1: Server API and React Frontend
- Best Practices for Writing Node.js REST APIs
- How to build your own Uber-for-X App
- Introduction to Node & Express
- Test a Node RESTful API with Mocha and Chai
- How to build a URL Shortener with Node.JS, MongoDB, Hapi.JS
- Advanced Node.js Project Structure Tutorial
- 19 things I learnt reading the NodeJS docs.
- Building and securing a modern backend API
- The Art of Node
- Node Hero Tutorial about NodeJS
- How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server
- Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools
- Facebook partners with Google, others to launch a new JavaScript package manager
- How one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript
- HTML5 Video: Transcoding with Node.js and AWS
- Creating RESTful APIs with NodeJS and MongoDB Tutorial
- Server-side Web Components: How and Why?
- Test a Node RESTful API with Mocha and Chai
- Speed up your RESTful API development in Node.js with Swagger
- Getting Started with Hapi.js
- Introducing Node.js 6.0
- https://scotch.io/tutorials/understanding-javascript-promises-pt-i-background-basics
- Getting Started with Browserify
- Keeping API Routing Clean Using Express Routers
- Build a Custom Photo Widget for Your Desktop with Node.js
- Containerized Testing for Node Applications with Dockunit
- Accelerating Node.js applications with HTTP/2 Server Push
- An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Node.js
- Build Your First HTTP Server in Node.js
- Object Document Mapper - ODM for Node.js
- Supercharge your Node.js Applications with Nginx
- Learn How to Use Neo4J with Node.js
- Node.js Tutorial Using MongoDB
- Using Tests to Document a Node.js Module
- Learning Server-Side JavaScript with Node.js
- The Node Beginner Book
- Node.js Articles
- Felix's Node.js Guide
- Node.js v6.4.0 Documentation
- Mastering NodeJS open html book
- Node hero Tutorial: Getting started with NodeJS
- What's New in NodeJS v6.0
- Build a better Node.js app with the new JavaScript, ES6
- Web Crawling with NodeJS, PhantomJS and Horseman
- Server-Side Rendering With React, Node And Express.
- Debugging with Node
- How to use JavaScript closures efficiently and avoid memory leaks in your Node.js apps
Web Develpoment Frameworks
- Restify -The future of Node.js REST development (Rest API Development in NodeJS)
- x2 - A collection of modules published with NPM and designed to provide a complete toolset for creating back-end applications that expose RESTful APIs and are backed with a SQL database.
- TotalJS
- Moleculer Microservices Framework - Fast & powerful microservices framework for NodeJS
- Async - Utility module provides convinent Async operations
- Strapi - The next generation framework for Node.js
- Cylon - NodeJS framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things
- DerbyJS - Full-stack framework for writing modern web applications
- Loopback - NodeJS API Framework
- Adonis - NodeJS MV* framework inspired by Laravel
- Express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
- Koa.js - Next generation framework for Node.js
- totaljs - Node.js web framework
- Derby.js - Full-stack framework for writing modern web applications
- Meteor.js
- Restify
- Hapi
- Sails.js - MVC web framework
- ActionHero
- sequelizejs - ORM framework for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and MSSQL
- Socket.io
- AllCountJS - Open source full-stack Node.js framework for rapid application development
- Socketstream - Socketstream is a framework for Realtime Web Apps
- PartialJS
- Ghost - The professional publishing platform developed in NodeJS
- Keystone - Node.js CMS & Web Application Platform
- Apostrophe - CMS framework for Node.js that supports in-context editing, schema-driven content types,flexible widgets, and much more.
- Aqua - Full featured Admin / Frontend developed with NodeJS, MongoDB, React
- MySQL - MySQL Database client
- Mongoose - MongoDB Databse client
- PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL Database client
- SQLite - SQLite Database client
- Oracle - Oracle Database client
- IBM DB2 - IBM DB2 and IBM Informix bindings for node
- MariaDB - A node.js binding to the non-blocking client library provided with MariaDB
- Core Node Debugger
- Node Inspector - Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools
- Joyent's Guide
- Visual Studio Code
Web Develpoment Article Series collection
- Building a Google Keep Clone with Vue and Firebase
- Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps
Node Modules for Routing
- ExpressJS Routing
- Router - NPM
- Routes - NPM
- parse-route NPM Helper to parse route with params
- http-hash HTTP router based on a strict path tree structure
- Caolan/forms - An easy way to create, parse and validate forms in node.js
- express-validator - An express.js middleware for node-validator.
- express-form - Form validation and data filtering for Express
Best NodeJS learning tutorials
Best books related to NodeJS
- Mastering NodeJS
- Getting Mean Express Angular Manning
- NodeJs, MongoDB, AngularJS Development
- NodeJS Mobile Application Development
- Jump Start node JS
- Professional NodeJS
- Handson NodeJs
- Node Beginner
- Smashing NodeJS
Videos to learn NodeJS
- The New Boston NodeJS vidoes for Beginners
- Node.js Login System With Passport
- Node tuts
- Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahl
- Node.js: Asynchronous Purity Leads to Faster Development
- Parallel Programming with Node.js
- Server-side JavaScript with Node, Connect & Express
- Node.js First Look
- Node.js with MongoDB
- Ryan Dahl's Google Tech Talk
- Youtube - Building a Multiplayer Shooting Game with Node.JS, MongoDB and WebSocket
- Node.js easily explained in a funny way
- Youtube - Building a Twitch Chat Bot in 10 Minutes with Node.JS
- Getting Started for NodeJS - For Beginners
- Rapid node trainning
- Learn and Understand NodeJS
- Full Stack JavaScript: Learn Backbone.js, Node.js & MongoDB
- The Complete Node JS Developer Course
- All about NodeJS
- Learn Nodejs by building 12 projects
- A Simple Node.js/Mongo/Restify API in Less Than 3 Hours
- RESTful Web API Design with NodeJS
- Real Time Web with Node.js
- Building Blocks of Express.js
- Build an Image Streaming App With Node.js
- NODE.JS LIVE Online & Classroom Training/Tutorial