released this
25 May 22:02
new option 'eventsDebounceDelay' - thumbnail's lazy display fine tuning (response delay after resizing, rotation and scroll events)
new API method 'resize' - force a gallery resize. To be used when adding/removing items dynamically, to avoid a full re-display of the thumbnails.
new internal NGY2Item object method 'delete' - deletes the current item
new internal NGY2Item object method 'addToGOM' - adds the current item to the Gallery Object Modell
changed: 'thumbnailDisplayOutsideScreen' default value is now 'true'
fixed issue on callbacks fnGalleryLayoutApplied, fnGalleryObjectModelBuilt, fnGalleryRenderStart (#121 ), galleryRenderEnd, fnShoppingCartUpdated, fnShoppingCartUpdated
fixed #120 - thumbnails with a Single Quote wont load
fixed #117 - Joomla/Bootstrap icon conflict - changed class in CSS file
fixed #126 - custom theme using colorSchemeViewer not working
fixed thumbnail effects 'labelSlideUp' and 'labelSlideDown'
fixed thumbnail effects with CSS 2D/3D transformations
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