nanogallery2 v3.0.0
new features:
- thumbnails on lightbox
- mosaic layout is now fully responsive
- options 'thumbnailGutterWidth' and 'thumbnailGutterHeight' are now responsive
- filtering, option galleryFilterTagsMode/galleryL1FilterTagsMode - possible value 'single', 'multiple'
- filtering, if no tag is selected then no filter is applied
- loading spinner over thumbnail during album content download
- first album level: new options thumbnailL1BorderHorizontal and thumbnailL1BorderVertical
- gallery pagination: left/right buttons on top of the gallery (option 'galleryPaginationTopButtons')
- lightbox: swipe up to close (additional to the existing swipe down gesture)
- lightbox: button to add media to shopping cart
- callback fnPopupMediaInfo(item, title, content) -> {title: my_title, content: my_content}
- improved: swipe and touch gesture using velocity
- rounded border on thumbnails (defined in 'galleryTheme')
- improved: page scrollbar better removed on lightbox display, to avoid page reflow
- randomized thumbnail display order: option 'thumbnailDisplayOrder' ('', 'random')
- easing for thumbnail display animation: option 'thumbnailDisplayTransitionEasing' (default: easeOutQuart)
- Google Photos: enable the use of filename as the title (#226 - thanks to Kevin Robert Keegan
- Flickr: option tagBlockList to filter out images based on tags (#233 - thanks to Jonathan Keane
- media title renaming with option 'titleTranslationMap'
- option 'blackList' renamed to 'blockList'
- option 'whiteList' renamed to 'allowList'
- lightbox toolbar: option viewerToolbar.display now set to false by default
- shopping cart handling refactored
- thumbnail label: new option 'valign' in addition to the 'position' option
- gallery filtering: icon for tags and for tag's filter reset
- lightbox tool: icons layout and background
- hover animation on thumbnails are now disabled by default ('touchAnimation' default value changed to false)
- option 'thumbnailOpenImage' renamed in 'thumbnailOpenInLightox'
- callbacks fnGalleryRenderStart/fnGalleryRenderEnd: now return the album object instead of it's index
- nano_photos_provider2: on gallery initialization, if an album is defined, gallery does not display sub-albums
- gallery may not be displayed depending on the display animation
- lightbox: one touch will display toolbars and label when they are hidden
- modal popup (media info, share): display not sharp, and wrong size on mobile devices
- some artefacts around thumbnails in some use cases
- #219 dragging in Firefox - many thanks to Largo (
- #226 Google Photos issue on description value (#226 - thanks to Kevin Robert Keegan
- many mirror fixes
- removed: viewerDisplayLogo option
- removed options 'topOverImage', 'bottomOverImage' for lighbox vertical toolbar position
- removed lightbox theme 'border'