Always specify in and output paths first as indicated by "SPECIFY IN/OUTPUT PATH" in the code. The main output calculation is performed by
which imports functions from
and depends on output from
Jupyter Notebook scripts for figure creation and result analysis are prepared in the folder /output_analysis. For proper function the scripts need to be executed from top to bottom as they are separated into loading datasets and figure creation / analysis.
As [0,1] masks of:
nonforest: 10<=x<=19 # in code call "nonforest_mask_GLC2000_gte10lte19"
grassland: x=13 # in code call "gra_mask_GLC2000_eq_13"
cropland: 16<=x<=18 # in code call "cro_mask_GLC2000_eq_16_17_18"
shrubland: x=11;x=12;x=15 # in code call "shr_mask_GLC2000_eq_11_12_15"
As full dataset and forest specific biomass prepared by multiplying with GLC2000 land cover classes (numbers provided below)
full dataset # in code call "20181023_IPCC_Biomass"
forest specific biomass only
evergreen broadleaf: x=1 # in code call "ebf_biomass"
decideous broadleaf: x=2;x=3 # in code call "dbf_biomass"
evergreen needleleaf: x=4 # in code call "enf_biomass"
decideous needleleaf: x=5 # in code call "dnf_biomass"
other forest types: 6<=x<=9 # in code call "otf_biomass"
As forest specific biomass prepared by multiplying with GLC2000 land cover classes (numbers provided below)
forest specific biomass only
evergreen broadleaf: x=1 # in code call "ebf_biomass_max/min_1SD"
decideous broadleaf: x=2;x=3 # in code call "dbf_biomass_max/min_1SD"
evergreen needleleaf: x=4 # in code call "enf_biomass_max/min_1SD"
decideous needleleaf: x=5 # in code call "dnf_biomass_max/min_1SD"
other forest types: 6<=x<=9 # in code call "otf_biomass_max/min_1SD"
full dataset # in code call "SOCS_0_30cm_year_NoLU_10km"
Duveiller # in code call "D18_LST_IGBPdet"
Bright # in code call "B17_DTS"
Transient (after doubling of CO2) surface temperature ("ts") response to cumulative emissions of +1% CO2 ESM experiments:
Please see method section of the manuscript for detailed information about the experiment setup.
monthly ensemble mean # in code call "mean_ensemble"
monthly ensemble standard deviation # in code call "std_ensemble"