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Update the DSWx-HLS SAS for cal/val release (#21)
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* fill DSWx-HLS products metadata fields: `dem_file`, `landcover_file`, and `worldcover_file`

* fix selection of the resampling algorithm when building overviews

* add metadata to RGB and infrared RGB layers

* add extra margin to the DEM to compute the shadow layer; add metadata to the DEM layer

* fix generation of DSWx-HLS layer overviews

* update DEM_MARGIN_IN_PIXELS from 5 to 10

* update to use files in geographic coordinates as reference for defining the bounding box; add option to define manually the bbox

* fix exclusion of external overviews

* update logging messages

* update bbox argument docstrings

* set default for full_log_formatting to False rather than None

* revert changes to full_log_formatting

* save DSWx-HLS DEM layer as float32 rather than uint8

* save cloud/cloud-shadow masked class with value 9 rather than 2 into binary layer BWTR

* log stderr

* update BWTR color table for cloud/cloud-shadow masked class

* save interpreted layers with 2 water classes rather than 4

* refactor code and update output classes to follow DSWx-HLS product specs;

* force metatadata field SENSING_TIME to have a single data-time entry

* remove temporary files

* update Docker files and build script for cal_val delivery

* fix terrain masking for 4 water classes (before collapsing the 4 water classes into 2)

* address codacy issues

* address codacy issues (2)

* update Zenodo URL with new golden dataset for cal/val delivery

* update ctable for CONF layer class 254 (cloud/cloud-shadow mask); update golden dataset DEM

* update Docker image tag from beta to cal_val (delivery)

* add `--network host` to the docker run command
  • Loading branch information
gshiroma authored Jul 25, 2022
1 parent 08fd57c commit d188838
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Showing 7 changed files with 604 additions and 164 deletions.
150 changes: 131 additions & 19 deletions bin/
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import argparse
import logging
import os
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import gdal, osr
import numpy as np
from proteus.dswx_hls import create_landcover_mask, create_logger

logger = logging.getLogger('dswx_hls_landcover_mask')
Expand All @@ -25,14 +26,24 @@ def _get_parser():

# Inputs
parser.add_argument('-g', '--ref',
help='Input HLS product')

help='Reference file for geographic grid'
' (e.g. HLS product layer)')

parser.add_argument('-b', '--bbox',
metavar=('LAT_MIN', 'LAT_MAX', 'LON_MIN', 'LON_MAX'),
help='Defines the spatial region in '
'the format south north west east.')

# other parameters
parser.add_argument('-c', '--copernicus-landcover-100m',
'--landcover', '--land-cover',
help='Input Copernicus Land Cover'
Expand All @@ -46,8 +57,7 @@ def _get_parser():
help='Input ESA WorldCover 10m')

# Outputs
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,24 +88,126 @@ def _get_parser():
return parser

def point2epsg(lon, lat):
if lon >= 180.0:
lon = lon - 360.0
if lat >= 60.0:
return 3413
elif lat <= -60.0:
return 3031
elif lat > 0:
return 32601 + int(np.round((lon + 177) / 6.0))
elif lat < 0:
return 32701 + int(np.round((lon + 177) / 6.0))
raise ValueError(
'Could not determine projection for {0},{1}'.format(lat, lon))

def main():
parser = _get_parser()

args = parser.parse_args()

create_logger(args.log_file)'Input file: {args.input_file}')
if not os.path.isfile(args.input_file):
logger.error(f'ERROR file not found: {args.input_file}')
if args.bbox is None and args.reference_file is None:
logger.error('ERROR please, provide either a '
'reference file or a bounding box')
layer_gdal_dataset = gdal.Open(args.input_file, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
if layer_gdal_dataset is None:
logger.error(f'ERROR invalid input HLS file: {args.input_file}')
geotransform = layer_gdal_dataset.GetGeoTransform()
projection = layer_gdal_dataset.GetProjection()
length = layer_gdal_dataset.RasterYSize
width = layer_gdal_dataset.RasterXSize

if args.bbox is not None:
flag_is_geographic = True
lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max = args.bbox
# make sure lat_max > lat_min (since dy < 0)
if lat_max < lat_min:
lat_min, lat_max = lat_max, lat_min

geographic_srs = None
if args.reference_file:
print(f'Reference file: {args.reference_file}')

if not os.path.isfile(args.reference_file):
logger.error(f'ERROR file not found: {args.reference_file}')
layer_gdal_dataset = gdal.Open(args.reference_file, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
if layer_gdal_dataset is None:
logger.error(f'ERROR invalid file: {args.reference_file}')

# read reference image geolocation
geotransform = layer_gdal_dataset.GetGeoTransform()
projection = layer_gdal_dataset.GetProjection()
length = layer_gdal_dataset.RasterYSize
width = layer_gdal_dataset.RasterXSize

# check if geolocation is in projected coordinates, i.e.,
# not geographic
projection_srs = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=projection)

flag_is_geographic = projection_srs.IsGeographic()
if flag_is_geographic:
geographic_srs = projection_srs
print('Reference file is provided in geographic'
' coordinates.')
lat_max = geotransform[3]
lat_min = lat_max + geotransform[5] * length
lon_min = geotransform[0]
lon_max = lon_min + geotransform[1] * width
print('Reference file is NOT provided in geographic'
' coordinates')

if flag_is_geographic:
mean_y = (lat_max + lat_min) / 2.0
mean_x = (lon_min + lon_max) / 2.0
epsg = point2epsg(mean_x, mean_y)

print('Converting geographic coordinates to UTM:')
print(f' lat_min: {lat_min}, lat_max: {lat_max}')
print(f' lon_min: {lon_min}, lon_max: {lon_max}')
print(f' EPSG code: {epsg}')

if geographic_srs is None:
geographic_srs = osr.SpatialReference()

utm_srs = osr.SpatialReference()

# create transformation of coordinates from geographic (lat/lon)
# to UTM
transformation = osr.CoordinateTransformation(geographic_srs, utm_srs)
y_min = None
y_max = None
x_min = None
x_max = None
for lat in [lat_max, lat_min]:
for lon in [lon_min, lon_max]:
x, y, _ = transformation.TransformPoint(lat, lon, 0)
if y_min is None or y_min > y:
y_min = y
if y_max is None or y_max < y:
y_max = y
if x_min is None or x_min > x:
x_min = x
if x_max is None or x_max < x:
x_max = x

print(f' y_min: {y_min}, y_max: {y_max}')
print(f' x_min: {x_min}, x_max: {x_max}')

# land cover map step is 30m meters
dx = 30
dy = -30
geotransform = [x_min, dx, 0, y_max, 0, dy]

width = int(np.ceil((x_max - x_min) / dx))
length = int(np.ceil((y_min - y_max) / dy))
projection = utm_srs.ExportToProj4()
projection = projection.strip()

print(f' width: {width}')
print(f' length: {length}')
print(f' geotransform: {geotransform}')
print(f' projection: {projection}')

args.worldcover_file, args.output_file,
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

echo "IMAGE is $IMAGE:$t"

# fail on any non-zero exit codes
Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ python3 sdist
docker build --rm --force-rm --network=host -t ${IMAGE}:$t -f docker/Dockerfile .

# run tests
docker run --rm -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$PWD:/mnt" -w /mnt -it "${IMAGE}:$t" pytest /mnt/tests/
docker run --rm -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$PWD:/mnt" -w /mnt -it --network host "${IMAGE}:$t" pytest /mnt/tests/

# create image tar
docker save opera/proteus > docker/dockerimg_proteus_$t.tar
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docker/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ RUN set -ex \
&& conda update --all --yes \
&& conda install --yes --file /tmp/requirements.txt \
&& conda install --yes --channel conda-forge --file /tmp/requirements_forge.txt \
&& conda clean -tipsy \
&& conda clean -tip \
&& rm -rf /opt/conda/pkgs \
&& rm /tmp/requirements.txt \
&& rm /tmp/requirements_forge.txt
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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

docker load -i docker/dockerimg_proteus_beta.tar
docker load -i docker/dockerimg_proteus_cal_val.tar
20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions src/proteus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,34 +40,33 @@ def save_as_cog(filename, scratch_dir = '.', logger = None,
resamp_algorithm = 'CUBICSPLINE'

gdal_ds.BuildOverviews('CUBICSPLINE', overviews_list,
gdal_ds.BuildOverviews(resamp_algorithm, overviews_list,

del gdal_ds # close the dataset (Python object and pointers)
external_overview_file = filename + '.ovr'
if os.path.isfile(external_overview_file):
os.remove(external_overview_file)'COG step 2: save as COG')
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
dir=scratch_dir, suffix='.tif').name

tile_size = 256
ovr_tile_size = tile_size
gdal_translate_options = [
# ovr_tile_size = tile_size
gdal_translate_options = ['TILED=YES',
# f'GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE={ovr_tile_size}'

if flag_compress:
gdal_translate_options += ['COMPRESS=DEFLATE']

if is_integer:
gdal_translate_options += ['PREDICTOR=2']
gdal_translate_options = ['PREDICTOR=3']
gdal_translate_options += ['PREDICTOR=3']

gdal.Translate(temp_file, filename,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ def get_geographic_boundaries_from_mgrs_tile(mgrs_tile_name, verbose=False):

# create UTM spatial reference
utm_coordinate_system = osr.SpatialReference()
utm_coordinate_system.SetUTM(utm_zone, is_northern)

# create geographic (lat/lon) spatial reference
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