Notifications Lib is a beautifully crafted library that seamlessly creates desktop notifications that are stunning to look at and have adequate functionality.
Download the latest release of the NotificationsLib.dll
file from the releases page.
Add it to your project.
Add the namespace to the C# header.
using Cookie;
Next declare a static Notification Host to use throughout your application.
using Cookie;
namespace YourApp
class Program
public static NotificationHost notificationHost = new NotificationHost();
Now whenever needed (like in a button click event) you can invoke the notification queue system to either immediatly show or until another notification gets dismissed.
private void ButtonClick(RoutedEventArgs a)
notificationHost.ShowNotification("Text", "Title", new ImageBrush(image), (notification) =>
// You can either wait for the notification to dismiss after 'x' seconds or dismiss immediatly when the notification is clicked.
// Handle Notification Clicks Here
Debug.WriteLine("Notification was clicked.");