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    Context menu modification wizard for Windows 10 and 11.
    Copyright 2022 Microart inc. Menuify is free to download, use, and modify.
    However, any commercial use for any part of the Menuify source is prohibited.
    Claiming Menuify or redistributing is in all cases not allowed. Any copy of 
    Menuify distributed by any entity besides Menuify is subject to Copyright law.
WHAT is Menuify?

Microart Menuify is an automatic and complete Windows context menu generation 
and modification system. Menuify allows you to create custom context menus 
with ease and allows for menus to be uploaded and downloaded from the Menuify 

HOW do i install Menuify?

Simply goto releases and select the latest .exe installer file. Then double-
click the installer in any folder. Note: The folder you extract it in will be
the folder Menuify will stay in, make sure to not delete that folder.

HOW do i use Menuify

Simply launch the menuify.cmd script then follow the onscreen instructions.

WHY does Menuify require ffmpeg?

Menuify does not require ffmpeg, however, because Menuify contains an ffmpeg 
wizard that can create ffmpeg commands, an ffmpeg copy will be required to 
execute the commands.

HOW do i install ffmpeg?

Menuify has a setting in the "more settings" option to download ffmpeg.

WHAT features does Menuify provide?

o   Creating single-button context menu items
o   Creating multi-button (cascading) context menu items
o   Setting button icons to be shown in the context menu
o   Deleting context menu items (only context menus created with Menuify)
o   Editing context menu items (only context menus created with Menuify)
o   Using the ffmpeg wizard to easily create command to do simple tasks
o   Menuify store to upload or download menu presets
o   Importing and exporting .menu files
o   Clean, command line based interface to use Menuify
o   Built-in command line based file and folder picker


Context menu modification wizard for Windows 10 and 11.






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