Dialogue and Audio only game inspired by Sen's 2012 RPG game. Credits in the game.
You control the character around the mansion with your voice.
Use utterances such as: open the door, open the chest, go to the left, look around, give me some help, give me a hint, etc.
Use "go back" to go to a previous section.
If something doesn't work, try formulating it differently.
go to library, left shelf, read the highlighted book and get the note with the code or just read the numbers.
go to the mother's room and open the closet, open the safe with the numbers and grab the small key.
go to the storage room and combine matches and oil lamp to walk more freely.
go downstairs, go to the doll room, open the cabinet and open the shelf with the key.
to finish the sample version of the game go to the kitchen.
Initiatied as a project for Dialogue Systems Course.