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Add SecondOrderODEProblem support (only IIP for the time being) (#40)
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* Added functionality to solve (IIP) SecondOrderODEs

* Fixed a bug, where the EK1 assumed a specific vector-field property

* Better test structure

* Bump version number

* Adjusted the tests for correct state initialization
  • Loading branch information
nathanaelbosch authored Jul 18, 2021
1 parent 08da1e3 commit a1c3ee5
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Showing 7 changed files with 159 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ProbNumDiffEq"
uuid = "bf3e78b0-7d74-48a5-b855-9609533b56a5"
authors = ["Nathanael Bosch"]
version = "0.1.5"
version = "0.1.6"

DiffEqBase = "2b5f629d-d688-5b77-993f-72d75c75574e"
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19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions src/caches.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
abstract type ODEFiltersCache <: OrdinaryDiffEq.OrdinaryDiffEqCache end
mutable struct GaussianODEFilterCache{
RType, ProjType, SolProjType, FP, uType, xType, AType, QType, matType, diffusionType, diffModelType,
RType, ProjType, SolProjType, FP, uType, duType, xType, AType, QType, matType, diffusionType, diffModelType,
measType, llType,
} <: ODEFiltersCache
# Constants
Expand All @@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ mutable struct GaussianODEFilterCache{

Expand All @@ -48,8 +48,13 @@ function OrdinaryDiffEq.alg_cache(
"or a matrix) are currently not supported")

is_secondorder_ode = f isa DynamicalODEFunction
if is_secondorder_ode
@warn "Assuming that the given ODE is a SecondOrderODE. If this is not the case, e.g. because it is some other dynamical ODE, the solver will probably run into errors!"

q = alg.order
d = length(u)
d = is_secondorder_ode ? length(u[1, :]) : length(u)
D = d*(q+1)

u0 = u
Expand All @@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ function OrdinaryDiffEq.alg_cache(
Proj(deriv) = deriv > q ? error("Projection called for non-modeled derivative") :
kron([i==(deriv+1) ? 1 : 0 for i in 1:q+1]', diagm(0 => ones(uElType, d)))
@assert f isa AbstractODEFunction
SolProj = f isa DynamicalODEFunction ? [Proj(0); Proj(1)] : Proj(0)
SolProj = f isa DynamicalODEFunction ? [Proj(1); Proj(0)] : Proj(0)

# Prior dynamics
@assert alg.prior == :ibm "Only the ibm prior is implemented so far"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ function OrdinaryDiffEq.alg_cache(

return GaussianODEFilterCache{
typeof(R), typeof(Proj), typeof(SolProj), typeof(Precond),
uType, typeof(x0), typeof(A), typeof(Q), matType, typeof(initdiff),
uType, typeof(du), typeof(x0), typeof(A), typeof(Q), matType, typeof(initdiff),
typeof(diffmodel), typeof(measurement), uEltypeNoUnits,
# Constants
Expand All @@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ function OrdinaryDiffEq.alg_cache(
copy(x0), copy(x0), copy(x0), copy(x0), copy(x0),
H, du, ddu, K, G, covmatcache, initdiff, initdiff,
61 changes: 57 additions & 4 deletions src/perform_step.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,9 +77,17 @@ function OrdinaryDiffEq.perform_step!(integ, cache::GaussianODEFilterCache, repe
# Estimate error for adaptive steps
if integ.opts.adaptive
err_est_unscaled = estimate_errors(integ, integ.cache)
err_tmp, dt * err_est_unscaled, integ.u, u_filt,
integ.opts.abstol, integ.opts.reltol, integ.opts.internalnorm, t)
if integ.f isa DynamicalODEFunction # second-order ODE
err_tmp, dt * err_est_unscaled,
integ.u[1, :], u_filt[1, :],
integ.opts.abstol, integ.opts.reltol, integ.opts.internalnorm, t)
else # regular first-order ODE
err_tmp, dt * err_est_unscaled,
integ.u, u_filt,
integ.opts.abstol, integ.opts.reltol, integ.opts.internalnorm, t)
integ.EEst = integ.opts.internalnorm(err_tmp, t) # scalar

Expand All @@ -92,7 +100,7 @@ function OrdinaryDiffEq.perform_step!(integ, cache::GaussianODEFilterCache, repe

function measure!(integ, x_pred, t)
function measure!(integ, x_pred, t, second_order::Val{false})
@unpack f, p, dt, alg = integ
@unpack u_pred, du, ddu, Proj, Precond, measurement, R, H = integ.cache
@assert iszero(R)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +139,51 @@ function measure!(integ, x_pred, t)
return measurement

function measure!(integ, x_pred, t, second_order::Val{true})
@unpack f, p, dt, alg = integ
@unpack d, u_pred, du, ddu, Proj, Precond, measurement, R, H = integ.cache
@assert iszero(R)
du2 = du

PI = inv(Precond(dt))
E0, E1, E2 = Proj(0), Proj(1), Proj(2)

z, S = measurement.μ, measurement.Σ

# Mean
# _u_pred = E0 * PI * x_pred.μ
# _du_pred = E1 * PI * x_pred.μ
@assert isinplace(f) "Currently the code only supports IIP `SecondOrderProblem`s"
f.f1(du2, view(u_pred, 1:d), view(u_pred, d+1:2d), p, t) += 1
z .= E2*PI*x_pred.μ .- du2

# Cov
if alg isa EK1
@assert !(alg isa IEKS)

J0 = copy(ddu)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(J0, (du2, u) -> f.f1(du2, view(u_pred, 1:d), u, p, t), du2,

J1 = copy(ddu)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(J1, (du2, du) -> f.f1(du2, du, view(u_pred, d+1:2d),
p, t), du2,

integ.destats.njacs += 1
mul!(H, (E2 .- J0 * E0 .- J1 * E1), PI)
mul!(H, E2, PI)

copy!(S, Matrix(X_A_Xt(x_pred.Σ, H)))

return measurement
measure!(integ, x_pred, t) = measure!(
integ, x_pred, t, Val(integ.f isa DynamicalODEFunction))

# The following functions are just there to handle both IIP and OOP easily
_eval_f!(du, u, p, t, f::AbstractODEFunction{true}) = f(du, u, p, t)
_eval_f!(du, u, p, t, f::AbstractODEFunction{false}) = (du .= f(u, p, t))
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/solution.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,11 +149,12 @@ set_smooth(p::GaussianODEFilterPosterior) = GaussianODEFilterPosterior(
p.d, p.q, p.SolProj, p.A, p.Q, p.Precond, true)
function GaussianODEFilterPosterior(alg, u0)
uElType = eltype(u0)
d = length(u0)
d = u0 isa ArrayPartition ? length(u0) ÷ 2 : length(u0)
q = alg.order

Proj(deriv) = kron([i==(deriv+1) ? 1 : 0 for i in 1:q+1]', diagm(0 => ones(uElType, d)))
SolProj = Proj(0)
SolProj = u0 isa ArrayPartition ? [Proj(1); Proj(0)] : Proj(0)

A, Q = ibm(d, q, uElType)
Precond = preconditioner(uElType, d, q)
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50 changes: 45 additions & 5 deletions src/state_initialization.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,14 +4,17 @@ function initial_update!(integ)
@unpack d, x, Proj = integ.cache
q = integ.alg.order

condition_on!(x, Proj(0), u)

f_derivatives = get_derivatives(u, f, p, t, q)
@assert length(1:q) == length(f_derivatives)
for (o, df) in zip(1:q, f_derivatives)
@assert length(0:q) == length(f_derivatives)
for (o, df) in zip(0:q, f_derivatives)
condition_on!(x, Proj(o), df)

Compute initial derivatives of an ODEProblem with TaylorSeries.jl
function get_derivatives(u, f, p, t, q)
d = length(u)

Expand All @@ -38,9 +41,46 @@ function get_derivatives(u, f, p, t, q)
push!(f_derivatives, df)

return evaluate.(f_derivatives)
return [u, evaluate.(f_derivatives)...]

Compute initial derivatives of a SecondOrderODE with TaylorSeries.jl
function get_derivatives(u::ArrayPartition, f::DynamicalODEFunction, p, t, q)

d = length(u[1,:])
Proj(deriv) = deriv > q ? error("Projection called for non-modeled derivative") :
kron([i==(deriv+1) ? 1 : 0 for i in 1:q+1]', diagm(0 => ones(d)))

f_oop(du, u, p, t) = (ddu = copy(du); f.f1(ddu, du, u, p, t); return ddu)

# Make sure that the vector field f does not depend on t
f_t_taylor = taylor_expand(_t -> f_oop(u[1:d], u[d+1:end], p, _t), t)
@assert !(eltype(f_t_taylor) <: TaylorN) "The vector field depends on t; The code might not yet be able to handle these (but it should be easy to implement)"

set_variables("u", numvars=2d, order=q+1)

fp1 = taylor_expand(u -> f_oop(u[1:d], u[d+1:end], p, t), u[:])
fp2 = taylor_expand(u -> u[1:d], u[:])
f_derivatives = [fp1]
for o in 3:q
_curr_f_deriv = f_derivatives[end]
dfdu1 = stack([derivative.(_curr_f_deriv, i) for i in 1:d])'
dfdu2 = stack([derivative.(_curr_f_deriv, i) for i in d+1:2d])'
df = dfdu1 * fp1 + dfdu2 * fp2
push!(f_derivatives, df)

return [u[2,:], u[1,:], evaluate.(f_derivatives)...]

# TODO Either name texplicitly for the initial update, or think about how to use this in general
function condition_on!(x::SRGaussian, H::AbstractMatrix, data::AbstractVector)
z = H*x.μ
Expand Down
44 changes: 37 additions & 7 deletions test/specific_problems.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using Test
using LinearAlgebra
using UnPack
using ParameterizedFunctions
using OrdinaryDiffEq

using DiffEqProblemLibrary.ODEProblemLibrary: importodeproblems; importodeproblems()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,17 +111,46 @@ end

@testset "2nd Order ODE" begin
function vanderpol!(ddu, du, u, p, t)
μ = p[1]
@. ddu = μ * ((1-u^2) * du - u)
@testset "SecondOrderODEProblem" begin

du0 = [0.0]
u0 = [2.0]
tspan = (0.0, 6.3)
p = [1e1]
prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(vanderpol!, du0, u0, tspan, p)
@test_broken solve(prob, EK0(order=3)) isa ProbNumDiffEq.ProbODESolution

function vanderpol!(ddu, du, u, p, t)
μ = p[1]
@. ddu = μ * ((1-u^2) * du - u)
prob_iip = SecondOrderODEProblem(vanderpol!, du0, u0, tspan, p)

function vanderpol(du, u, p, t)
μ = p[1]
ddu = μ .* ((1 .- u .^ 2) .* du .- u)
return ddu
prob_oop = SecondOrderODEProblem(vanderpol, du0, u0, tspan, p)

appxsol = solve(prob_iip, Tsit5(), abstol=1e-7, reltol=1e-7)

@testset "IIP" begin
for alg in (EK0(), EK1())
@testset "$alg" begin
@test solve(prob_iip, alg) isa ProbNumDiffEq.ProbODESolution
@test solve(prob_iip, alg).u[end] appxsol.u[end] rtol=1e-3

@testset "OOP" begin
appxsol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
for alg in (EK0(), EK1())
@testset "$alg" begin
@test_broken solve(prob_oop, alg) isa ProbNumDiffEq.ProbODESolution
@test_broken solve(prob_oop, alg).u[end] appxsol.u[end] rtol=1e-3

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions test/state_init.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ true_init_states = [u(t0); du(t0); ddu(t0); dddu(t0); ddddu(t0); dddddu(t0); ddd

@testset "OOP state init" begin
dfs = ProbNumDiffEq.get_derivatives(prob.u0, prob.f, prob.p, prob.tspan[1], q)
@test length(dfs) == q
@test true_init_states[d+1:end] vcat(dfs...)
@test length(dfs) == q+1
@test true_init_states vcat(dfs...)

Expand All @@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ end
prob = ODEProblem(f!, u0, tspan)

dfs = ProbNumDiffEq.get_derivatives(prob.u0, prob.f, prob.p, prob.tspan[1], q)
@test length(dfs) == q
@test true_init_states[d+1:end] vcat(dfs...)
@test length(dfs) == q+1
@test true_init_states vcat(dfs...)

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