ProbNumDiffEq v0.1.7
Merged pull requests:
- The smoothing should go until the first index (#43) (@nathanaelbosch)
- Improvements to the README and documentation (#44) (@nathanaelbosch)
- Better error/warning message for dense!=alg.smooth (#45) (@nathanaelbosch)
- Simple change that removes the use of Taylor for q=1 initialization (#47) (@nathanaelbosch)
- Reduce memory allocations (#48) (@nathanaelbosch)
- Speed up the solvers with Octavian.jl (#49) (@nathanaelbosch)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Octavian" at version "0.3" (#50) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Tullio" at version "0.3" (#51) (@github-actions[bot])