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Look up Transfer List at to use in genre selector feature.

Project Name

Movie Sagas Weekend

Project Description

  1. Home Page
  • This should display all of the movies in the movie database. When a movie poster is clicked, a user should be brought to the /details view.
  1. Details Page
  • This will show all details including genres, for the selected movie.
  • Back to List button, which should bring the user to the Home Page
  • Edit button, which should bring the user to the Edit Page
  1. Edit Page

This should show:

  • an input field (for changing the movie title), for the selected movie.
  • a textarea (for changing the movie description)

The details page should have the buttons:

  • Cancel button, which should bring the user to the Details Page
  • Save button, which should update the title and description in the database and bring the user to the Details Page
  1. Stretch Goals
  • Display the current values in the input (title) and textarea (description) on the Edit Page
  • Display all genres on movie list page. Research array_agg to make this possible.
  • Move sagas and reducers out of your index.js and into separate files (ideally in src/redux/reducers and src/redux/sagas folders).
  • Allow the user to refresh the details or edit page. The url for the details page would be something like /details/1 for movie with id of 1. Research react router params.
  • Allow the user to add a genre to a movie.
  • Allow the user to remove a genre from a movie.
  • Only display the top 10 movies, and allow the user to search for movie titles with a search bar on the home page (you can do this on the client side or the server side, server side is a bigger stretch, but good practice).
  • Create an Admin page. Add a link from the Home page to the Admin page. The page should initially display a login form (an input for username and an input for password). When the user enters the correct username (camera) and password (action), the page should display a form to add genres to the database, and a list of all of the genres with an x to remove them from the database. Note: This isn't actually secure, but it's pretty fun, and really good practice.


  1. Database Setup
  • Create a database named saga_movies_weekend.
  • Run the queries from database.sql on the saga_movies_weekend database.
  • You will need to create the junction table between the movies and genres tables!
  1. Install Dependencies
  • npm install.
  • npm run server.
  • npm run client.


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