External user acceptance testing This repository provides running tests on discovery website
It currently run tests against the Chrome browser only.
you need to clone the project
open the sln file with visual studio.
Ensure that the Chrome browser is available locally
Download and unzip chromedriver locally: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
Download it locally in the path C:\chromedriver-83.0\
Update the 12 "appsettings.json" files to set "googleDriverPath": "C:\chromedriver-83.0\". Just do a find and replace.
NOTE: Ensure the chromedriver version is compatible with the local Chrome browser version
you can change the url of the discovery to ctest or cdev or test- in "appsettings.json" file for individual projects. For every project there is a appsettings.json file.
Run or debug the tests
For Ecommerce tests I have included two sample images- Can you download 2 sample jpg images and save them locally in the following path "Image1Path": "C:\temp\test-img\Koala.jpg", "Image2Path": "C:\temp\test-img\Sample-500kb.jpg"
For SSO tests we have 3 test gmail accounts, the user name and passwords are as below gmail account1: [email protected] , Password: Test123456@ gmail account2 : [email protected] , password : Discovery12345 gmail account3 : [email protected], password : Test123456@
Under SSO tests under RegisterPageFeature - Run the first 2 tests and verify the email manually by logging into gmail account : [email protected], password : Test123456@ Then run the remaining SSO tests.
FYI SSO log in "username": "[email protected]", "password": "Test123456"
open the command prompt
$ cd pathOfTheProject $dotnet test
Then you can able to run your tests without opening visual studio
If running the tests leaves multiple Chrome windows open run these commands on an elevate command prompt to close the windows
- taskkill /IM chrome.exe /F
- taskkill /IM chromedriver.exe /F