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Initial strict runtime check
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naucke committed Sep 23, 2024
1 parent c9b8ff9 commit c88c844
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Showing 52 changed files with 1,020 additions and 98 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions agda2hs.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ executable agda2hs
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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions lib/Haskell/Extra/Dec/Instances.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module Haskell.Extra.Dec.Instances where

open import Haskell.Prelude
open import Haskell.Prim
open import Haskell.Extra.Dec
open import Haskell.Extra.Refinement

ℓ' : Level
A : Set
B : A Set ℓ'
x : A
xs : List A
p : Bool

decIsTrue : Dec (IsTrue p)
decIsTrue {False} = False ⟨ (λ ()) ⟩
decIsTrue {True} = True ⟨ IsTrue.itsTrue ⟩
-- could specify transparent but this is incompatible with the instance search result
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decIsTrue #-}

decIsFalse : Dec (IsFalse p)
decIsFalse {False} = True ⟨ IsFalse.itsFalse ⟩
decIsFalse {True} = False ⟨ (λ ()) ⟩
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decIsFalse #-}

decNonEmpty : {xs : List a} Dec (NonEmpty xs)
decNonEmpty {xs = []} = False ⟨ (λ ()) ⟩
decNonEmpty {xs = _ ∷ _} = True ⟨ NonEmpty.itsNonEmpty ⟩
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decNonEmpty #-}

allNoHead : (B x ⊥) All B (x ∷ xs)
allNoHead ni allCons = ni it

allNoTail : (All B xs ⊥) All B (x ∷ xs)
allNoTail np allCons = np it

interleaved mutual
-- must name these variables explicitly or Agda2Hs gets confused
decAll : {a : Set ℓ} {B : a Set ℓ'} {xs} ⦃ p : {x} Dec (B x) ⦄ Dec (All B xs)

decAllTail : {a : Set ℓ} {B : a Set ℓ'} {@0 x} {@0 xs} ⦃ @0 i : B x ⦄ Dec (All B xs) Dec (All B (x ∷ xs))
decAllTail (False ⟨ p ⟩) = False ⟨ allNoTail p ⟩
decAllTail (True ⟨ p ⟩) = True ⟨ allCons ⦃ is = p ⦄ ⟩

decAllHead : {a : Set ℓ} {B : a Set ℓ'} {@0 x} {xs} ⦃ Dec (B x) ⦄ ⦃ p : {x} Dec (B x) ⦄ Dec (All B (x ∷ xs))
decAllHead ⦃ False ⟨ i ⟩ ⦄ = False ⟨ allNoHead i ⟩
decAllHead ⦃ True ⟨ i ⟩ ⦄ = decAllTail ⦃ i = i ⦄ decAll

decAll {xs = []} = True ⟨ allNil ⟩
decAll {xs = x ∷ xs} = decAllHead

{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decAll #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decAllTail #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decAllHead #-}

anyNone : (B x ⊥) (Any B xs ⊥) Any B (x ∷ xs)
anyNone notHere _ anyHere = notHere it
anyNone _ notThere anyThere = notThere it

interleaved mutual
decAny : {a : Set ℓ} {B : a Set ℓ'} {xs} ⦃ p : {x} Dec (B x) ⦄ Dec (Any B xs)

decAnyTail : {a : Set ℓ} {B : a Set ℓ'} {@0 x} {@0 xs} (@0 i : B x ⊥) Dec (Any B xs) Dec (Any B (x ∷ xs))
decAnyTail i (False ⟨ p ⟩) = False ⟨ anyNone i p ⟩
decAnyTail _ (True ⟨ p ⟩) = True ⟨ anyThere ⦃ is = p ⦄ ⟩

decAnyHead : {a : Set ℓ} {B : a Set ℓ'} {@0 x} {xs} ⦃ Dec (B x) ⦄ ⦃ p : {x} Dec (B x) ⦄ Dec (Any B (x ∷ xs))
decAnyHead ⦃ False ⟨ i ⟩ ⦄ = decAnyTail i decAny
decAnyHead ⦃ True ⟨ i ⟩ ⦄ = True ⟨ anyHere ⦃ i = i ⦄ ⟩

decAny {xs = []} = False ⟨ (λ ()) ⟩
decAny {xs = x ∷ xs} = decAnyHead

{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decAny #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decAnyTail #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decAnyHead #-}
69 changes: 38 additions & 31 deletions src/Agda2Hs/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,31 +24,33 @@ import Agda2Hs.Compile.Data ( compileData )
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Function ( compileFun, checkTransparentPragma, checkInlinePragma )
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Postulate ( compilePostulate )
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Record ( compileRecord, checkUnboxPragma )
import Agda2Hs.Compile.RuntimeCheckUtils ( importDec )
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Types
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Utils ( setCurrentRangeQ, tellExtension, primModules, isClassName )
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Utils
import Agda2Hs.Pragma
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as Hs
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty as Hs

initCompileEnv :: TopLevelModuleName -> SpecialRules -> CompileEnv
initCompileEnv tlm rewrites = CompileEnv
initCompileEnv :: TopLevelModuleName -> Bool -> SpecialRules -> CompileEnv
initCompileEnv tlm rtc rewrites = CompileEnv
{ currModule = tlm
, minRecordName = Nothing
, isNestedInType = False
, locals = []
, compilingLocal = False
, whereModules = []
, copatternsEnabled = False
, rtc = rtc
, rewrites = rewrites
, writeImports = True

initCompileState :: CompileState
initCompileState = CompileState { lcaseUsed = 0 }

runC :: TopLevelModuleName -> SpecialRules -> C a -> TCM (a, CompileOutput)
runC tlm rewrites c = evalRWST c (initCompileEnv tlm rewrites) initCompileState
runC :: TopLevelModuleName -> Bool -> SpecialRules -> C a -> TCM (a, CompileOutput)
runC tlm rtc rewrites c = evalRWST c (initCompileEnv tlm rtc rewrites) initCompileState

moduleSetup :: Options -> IsMain -> TopLevelModuleName -> Maybe FilePath -> TCM (Recompile ModuleEnv ModuleRes)
moduleSetup _ _ m _ = do
Expand All @@ -64,20 +66,22 @@ moduleSetup _ _ m _ = do

:: Options -> ModuleEnv -> IsMain -> Definition
-> TCM (CompiledDef, CompileOutput)
compile opts tlm _ def =
-> TCM (RtcDefs, CompileOutput)
compile opts tlm _ def = do
when rtc importDec
withCurrentModule (qnameModule qname)
$ runC tlm (optRewrites opts)
$ runC tlm rtc (optRewrites opts)
$ setCurrentRangeQ qname
$ compileAndTag <* postCompile
qname = defName def
rtc = optRtc opts

tag [] = []
tag code = [(nameBindingSite $ qnameName qname, code)]

compileAndTag :: C CompiledDef
compileAndTag = tag <$> do
compileAndTag :: C RtcDefs
compileAndTag = (tag <$>) <$> do
p <- processPragma qname

reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile" 5 $ text "Compiling definition:" <+> prettyTCM qname
Expand All @@ -89,39 +93,42 @@ compile opts tlm _ def =
reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile" 15 $ text "Is instance?" <+> prettyTCM isInstance

case (p , theDef def) of
(NoPragma , _ ) -> return []
(ExistingClassPragma , _ ) -> return []
(UnboxPragma s , Record{} ) -> [] <$ checkUnboxPragma def
(TransparentPragma , Function{}) -> [] <$ checkTransparentPragma def
(InlinePragma , Function{}) -> [] <$ checkInlinePragma def
(TuplePragma b , Record{} ) -> return []

(ClassPragma ms , Record{} ) -> pure <$> compileRecord (ToClass ms) def
(NewTypePragma ds , Record{} ) -> pure <$> compileRecord (ToRecord True ds) def
(NewTypePragma ds , Datatype{}) -> compileData True ds def
(DefaultPragma ds , Datatype{}) -> compileData False ds def
(DerivePragma s , _ ) | isInstance -> pure <$> compileInstance (ToDerivation s) def
(DefaultPragma _ , Axiom{} ) | isInstance -> pure <$> compileInstance (ToDerivation Nothing) def
(DefaultPragma _ , _ ) | isInstance -> pure <$> compileInstance ToDefinition def
(DefaultPragma _ , Axiom{} ) -> compilePostulate def
(DefaultPragma _ , Function{}) -> compileFun True def
(DefaultPragma ds , Record{} ) -> pure <$> compileRecord (ToRecord False ds) def

_ -> genericDocError =<< text "Don't know how to compile" <+> prettyTCM (defName def)
(NoPragma , _ ) -> return $ WithRtc [] []
(ExistingClassPragma, _ ) -> return $ WithRtc [] []
(TuplePragma b , Record{} ) -> return $ WithRtc [] []
(DefaultPragma _ , Function {}) | not isInstance -> compileFun True def
(NewTypePragma ds , Datatype {}) -> compileData True ds def
(DefaultPragma ds , Datatype {}) -> compileData False ds def
(ClassPragma ms , Record {} ) -> compileRecord (ToClass ms) def
(NewTypePragma ds , Record {} ) -> compileRecord (ToRecord True ds) def
(DefaultPragma ds , Record {} ) | not isInstance -> compileRecord (ToRecord False ds) def
-- ^ Names that may induce runtime checks or are safe to have none
_ -> do
tellNoErased $ prettyShow $ qnameName $ defName def
(`WithRtc` []) <$> case (p, theDef def) of
(UnboxPragma s , Record {} ) -> [] <$ checkUnboxPragma def
(TransparentPragma, Function {}) -> [] <$ checkTransparentPragma def
(InlinePragma , Function {}) -> [] <$ checkInlinePragma def
(DerivePragma s , _ ) | isInstance -> pure <$> compileInstance (ToDerivation s) def
(DefaultPragma _ , Axiom {} ) | isInstance -> pure <$> compileInstance (ToDerivation Nothing) def
(DefaultPragma _ , _ ) | isInstance -> pure <$> compileInstance ToDefinition def
(DefaultPragma _ , Axiom {} ) -> compilePostulate def
_ -> genericDocError =<< text "Don't know how to compile" <+> prettyTCM (defName def)

postCompile :: C ()
postCompile = whenM (gets $ lcaseUsed >>> (> 0)) $ tellExtension Hs.LambdaCase

verifyOutput ::
Options -> ModuleEnv -> IsMain -> TopLevelModuleName
-> [(CompiledDef, CompileOutput)] -> TCM Bool
-> [(RtcDefs, CompileOutput)] -> TCM Bool
verifyOutput _ _ _ m ls = do
reportSDoc "agda2hs.compile" 5 $ text "Checking generated output before rendering: " <+> prettyTCM m
ensureUniqueConstructors = do
let allCons = do
(r, _) <- ls
-- take from concat'd definitions and runtime checks
r <- ls >>= (\(WithRtc d r) -> d : [r]) . fst
(_, a) <- r
Hs.DataDecl _ _ _ _ cons _ <- a
Hs.QualConDecl _ _ _ con <- cons
Expand Down
56 changes: 46 additions & 10 deletions src/Agda2Hs/Compile/Data.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module Agda2Hs.Compile.Data where

import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as Hs
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Hs

import Control.Monad ( when )
import Data.List ( intercalate, partition )
import Agda.Compiler.Backend
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
Expand All @@ -14,11 +15,27 @@ import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope

import Agda.Utils.Impossible ( __IMPOSSIBLE__ )
import Agda.Utils.Monad ( ifNotM )

import Agda2Hs.Compile.Type ( compileDomType, compileTeleBinds )
import Agda2Hs.Compile.RuntimeCheckUtils
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Type
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Types
import Agda2Hs.Compile.Utils
import Agda2Hs.HsUtils
data DataRtcResult
= NoRtc
| DataNoneErased String
| DataUncheckable
| DataCheckable [Hs.Decl ()]

concatRtc :: [DataRtcResult] -> ([String], [Hs.Decl ()])
concatRtc [] = ([], [])
concatRtc (res : ress) = case res of
DataNoneErased s -> (s : tlNoneErased, tlCheckable)
DataCheckable ds -> (tlNoneErased, ds ++ tlCheckable)
_ -> tl
tl@(tlNoneErased, tlCheckable) = concatRtc ress

checkNewtype :: Hs.Name () -> [Hs.QualConDecl ()] -> C ()
checkNewtype name cs = do
Expand All @@ -27,9 +44,10 @@ checkNewtype name cs = do
(Hs.QualConDecl () _ _ (Hs.ConDecl () cName types):_) -> checkNewtypeCon cName types

compileData :: AsNewType -> [Hs.Deriving ()] -> Definition -> C [Hs.Decl ()]
compileData :: AsNewType -> [Hs.Deriving ()] -> Definition -> C RtcDecls
compileData newtyp ds def = do
let d = hsName $ prettyShow $ qnameName $ defName def
let prettyName = prettyShow $ qnameName $ defName def
d = hsName prettyName
checkValidTypeName d
let Datatype{dataPars = n, dataIxs = numIxs, dataCons = cs} = theDef def
TelV tel t <- telViewUpTo n (defType def)
Expand All @@ -38,14 +56,21 @@ compileData newtyp ds def = do
let params = teleArgs tel
addContext tel $ do
binds <- compileTeleBinds tel
cs <- mapM (compileConstructor params) cs
let hd = foldl (Hs.DHApp ()) (Hs.DHead () d) binds
chkdCs <- mapM (compileConstructor params) cs
chks <- ifNotM (emitsRtc $ defName def) (return []) $ do
let (noneErased, chks) = concatRtc $ map snd chkdCs
-- Always export data type name
tellNoErased $ prettyName ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " noneErased ++ ")"
return chks

let cs = map fst chkdCs
hd = foldl (Hs.DHApp ()) (Hs.DHead () d) binds

let target = if newtyp then Hs.NewType () else Hs.DataType ()

when newtyp (checkNewtype d cs)

return [Hs.DataDecl () target Nothing hd cs ds]
return $ WithRtc [Hs.DataDecl () target Nothing hd cs ds] chks
allIndicesErased :: Type -> C ()
allIndicesErased t = reduce (unEl t) >>= \case
Expand All @@ -56,17 +81,28 @@ compileData newtyp ds def = do
DomForall{} -> genericDocError =<< text "Not supported: indexed datatypes"
_ -> return ()

compileConstructor :: [Arg Term] -> QName -> C (Hs.QualConDecl ())
compileConstructor :: [Arg Term] -> QName -> C (Hs.QualConDecl (), DataRtcResult)
compileConstructor params c = do
reportSDoc "" 15 $ text "compileConstructor" <+> prettyTCM c
reportSDoc "" 20 $ text " params = " <+> prettyTCM params
ty <- (`piApplyM` params) . defType =<< getConstInfo c
reportSDoc "" 20 $ text " ty = " <+> prettyTCM ty
TelV tel _ <- telView ty
let conName = hsName $ prettyShow $ qnameName c
let conString = prettyShow $ qnameName c
conName = hsName conString
smartQName <- smartConstructor c True

checkValidConName conName
args <- compileConstructorArgs tel
return $ Hs.QualConDecl () Nothing Nothing $ Hs.ConDecl () conName args
chk <- ifNotM (emitsRtc c) (return NoRtc) $ do
sig <- Hs.TypeSig () [hsName $ prettyShow $ qnameName smartQName] <$> compileType (unEl ty)
-- export constructor name when none erased, provide signature for smart constructor if it exists
checkRtc tel smartQName (hsVar conString) >>= \case
NoneErased -> return $ DataNoneErased conString
Uncheckable -> return DataUncheckable
Checkable ds -> return $ DataCheckable $ sig : ds

return (Hs.QualConDecl () Nothing Nothing $ Hs.ConDecl () conName args, chk)

compileConstructorArgs :: Telescope -> C [Hs.Type ()]
compileConstructorArgs EmptyTel = return []
Expand Down

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