In these various python libraries has been used such as
Easyocr is a python package used for optical character recognition Here it fetches text data from the given image in array format with position of the text, text and accuracy score From the list we are taking the text data and making it into meaningful insights to store in relational database
Regex is used analyse the extracted data using pattern matching technique and assign them in their desired columns like phone number, email id to display and store in the sql database
Mysql is used to connect with Mysql DB server and store data in the database Here it is used to store the data, retrieve the stored records(rows) details of business card and update the customer business card information
It will take the input business card image data It will use easyocr python package to extract text from the input business card image The extracted text data is categorised into meaningful categories with the help of regex When user clicked the Store in SQL Database it will store data in table format with details like name of the company, phone number, email etc and we can retrieve the data from the stored sql database