Releases: navidmafi/mycsslib
Releases · navidmafi/mycsslib
- Added hidden with important
I think we are ready to call it 1.0 release.
- Added font size under 1 rem
MyCSSLib v0.09 :
- Added more width options
- Added more height options
- Added more auto margins
- Added display block as "block"
- Added max width 100pr
- I don't know, maybe there's more
Added text and bg colors based on discord branding colors
Fixed fs 30 35 and added up to fs 50
Added overflow options
- Fixed rem based heights being named sr
- added 50% border radius
- changed border radius from br to brad for future
- added bg-none
- added vertical align middle
- added text decorations
- formatted code
First Release
Initial commits, first release