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When a user applies for a benefit (sender inn en søknad), one or more documents are sent in to NAV. This component acts as a REST-endpoint to which the systems that the user uses can send metadata about the benefit. The documents themselves are sent to a different system, Soknadsfillager.

When Soknadsmottaker receives data, it will be converted, serialized as an Avro message and put on a Kafka topic.

Soknadsmottaker also has REST-interfaces for publishing brukernotifikasjoner to Kafka topics.

For a description of the whole archiving system, see the documentation.


This component requires the following to work:

  • soknadarkiv-schema (Avro schema definitions)
  • Kafka broker (for providing Kafka topics to send to)

Secure logs

The application will log the requests it receives, but mask the personId / fødselsnummer / fnr. For debugging and resending purposes, the fnr is needed. It can be found in the secure logs of the application, accessible via Kibana or Kubectl.


The secure logs can be accessed from Kibana under the index "Securelogs". If you lack access, it is most likely because you are not in the AD-group. See the nais documentation for details.


The secure logs can be accessed from the terminal using kubectl as shown below. Remember to look in all pods for the log line that you search for.

$ kubectl -n team-soknad get pods | grep soknadsmottaker
soknadsmottaker-86745fb779-lndkn    3/3    Running    0    2d18h
soknadsmottaker-86745fb779-r7ffk    3/3    Running    0    2d18h

$ kubectl -n team-soknad exec --stdin --tty soknadsmottaker-86745fb779-lndkn -- /bin/bash
Defaulting container name to soknadsmottaker.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/soknadsmottaker-86745fb779-lndkn -n team-soknad' to see all of the containers in this pod.

apprunner@soknadsmottaker-86745fb779-lndkn:/app$ ls -la /secure-logs/
total 14344
drwxrwxrwx. 2 root      root          4096 feb.  22 15:35 .
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root      root          4096 feb.  22 15:35 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 apprunner apprunner 14666703 feb.  25 10:17 secure.log
-rw-r--r--. 1      1065      1065        0 feb.  22 15:35 secure-logs-mlog.pos
-rw-r--r--. 1      1065      1065       58 feb.  25 10:17 secure-logs.pos

apprunner@soknadsmottaker-86745fb779-lndkn:/app$ cat /secure-logs/secure.log


Questions regarding the code or the project can be asked to the team by raising an issue on the repo.

For NAV employees

NAV employees can reach the team by Slack in the channel #team-fyllut-sendinn