Main features:
- a small generator core written in C++
- specific generators are written in JavaScript with support of ES2023 features (QuickJS) and Inja templates (like Jinja)
- extending templates with additional functions defined in JS
- possibility to extend existing generators by overriding some files from a specified directory
- postprocessing of output files using custom tools (code formatters, linters, checkers...).
- using generators available via HTTP/S (directly from Github, or other sources). The
tool is required.
Supported CLI root options and subcommands:
Usage: ./openapi-yagen [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
generate, g Generate sources from openapi specification
Generate subcommand:
Generate sources from openapi specification
Usage: ./openapi-yagen generate [OPTIONS] [spec-file]
spec-file TEXT [openapi.yaml]
Specification file
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--override-dir TEXT Directory with overridden generator files
-o,--out-dir TEXT [.] Output directory for generated code
-g,--generator TEXT REQUIRED
Path to generator. It can be directory, zip archive or HTTP URL
-p,--post-process TEXT ... Post process file with specified tool for extension
-c,--clear Clear output directory before generating
-v,--var TEXT ... Set variable. Syntax is: -v (var_name)=(var_value)
The generator is a folder of files or a zip archive. The structure of the generator files is as follows:
- generator metadata, descriptormain.js
- main JavaScript file- other resoucres - Inja templates, other JS files imported into
├── generator.yml
├── head.h.j2
├── includes.h.j2
├── main.js
└── model.h.j2
The file generator.yml
is a descriptor of the generator. This is a example file with comments:
# Generator name
name: sample_cpp_models
# Generator description
description: Example of C++ model generator from OpenAPI v3 specification
# Main JavaScript file (entrypoint).
mainScriptPath: main.js
# Json schema for input data validation
jsonSchemaPath: openapi_v3_schema.json
# Variables that can be used to customize script execution
- name: namespace
description: С++ namespace for model classes
These functions are available in both JavaScript and template code.
Dumps specified values to log output. It is a replacement for console.log
dump(...args: any)
Converts string identifier from any case convention to specified case convention.
toCamelCase(s: string): string // -> camelCase
toPascalCase(s: string): string // -> PascalCase
toSnakeCase(s: string): string // -> snake_case
toScreamingSnakeCase(s: string): string // SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
The generator core supports all modern JavaScript features from ES2023 (string interpolation, classes, let, const, modules ...) thanks to QuickJS.
Renders specified template (templateFilePath
) in generator folder into outFilePath
with provided data
Additionally, you can pass a set of JS defined functions (functions
) that will be available for use in the templates.
templateFilePath: string,
data: { [key: string]: any },
outFilePath: string,
functions?: { [name: string]: Function }
): void
Renders specified template (templateFilePath
) in generator folder into string with provided data
Additionally, you can pass a set of JS defined functions (functions
) that will be available for use in the templates.
templateFilePath: string,
data: { [key: string]: any },
functions?: { [name: string]: Function }
): string
is used as the template rendering engine. The main documentation can be found here
You can call common built-in functions described above in this way:
{% set value = toSnakeCase("FirstSecondThird") %}
{{ dump(value) }}
Example generators are located in the examples
- Add schema validation with JSON schema (conan: json-schema-validator/2.3.0)
- Add configuration variables
- Improve documentation and add more examples
- Use to embed some popular templates into binary
- Add remote templates reading (from github for example)
- Command to create generator stub
- Command to show available variables for generator
- Restrict access to files outside working folder