Built a CNN Model which recognizes people in videos.
All the videos used contained 7 subjects. For each video we extracted the face of each subject in a folder named with the selected subject's unique id. This was done for labeling purposes.
This is contained in Train-Validation-Testing.ipynb We managed single 3-d image data in order to fit CNN and then we used them to train and validate the model. The accuracy was 99% on training, 95% on validation and 86% on test. Test set was completely isolated, during the training session test set example have not been taken under consideration. For each item in test set we printed out a csv file containing actual and predicted value.
In the repository you can find the main plots.
This is contained in Train-Validation-Testing.ipynb We saved trained model in files
This is contained in PredictionModule.ipynb We load the best model and use it to make predictions on single files.