usage: ` [-h] -f FILE [-l LANGUAGE] [-s SEP]`
This program will convert a script into a jupyter notebook. If the line starts with a "#", then that line will be
considered to be a markdown cell. Specify language as bash, if you like the cell to start with "%%bash". Specify code
blocks via *sep* argument.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE File name to read from. You can specify "-" to pipe the script file.
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
programming language of the input script. [Default: python] options:{python, bash}. If you specify
*bash*, a prefix %bash will be added to the cell block.
-s SEP, --sep SEP chunk seperator [Default: ]. " ": each line will be converted into a individual cell block]
usage: -f --sep '##%%' > tojup.ipynb
Will convert the file in which each code block has been demarcated by "##%%" into ipynb format.