These configuration files are for:
- i3 (dmenu, i3lock, conky…),
- git
- byobu
- fontconfig
- sublime-text
- qnapi
- gtk3.0
- qnapi
- redshift
- terminator
- modified default gnome3 appearance
- modified window-list extension for gnome3, not ugly anymore
Gnome 3 has classic mode, that try to looks like Gnome 2. Unfortunately, it uses bright colors, but hey, it's just bunch of extensions for regular Gnome. By default, window-list is ugly, therefore I changed it a little bit to make sleek panel.
Don't turn on windows grupping, don't use it in Gnome Classic.
requirements for Debian:
i3 terminator conky xbacklight xautolock i3lock libnotify-bin x11-utils xfonts-terminus