As of version 0.2.6, a complete sender (aircraft) beacon message looks as follows:
FLRDF0A52>APRS,qAS,LSTB:/220132h4658.70N/00707.72Ez090/054/A=001424 !W37! id06DF0A52 +020fpm +0.0rot 55.2dB 0e -6.2kHz gps4x6 s6.01 h03 rDDACC4 +5.0dBm hearD7EA hearDA95
The first two groups are standard APRS:
FLRDF0A52>APRS,qAS,LSTB:/220132h4658.70N/00707.72Ez090/054/A=001424 !W37!
- 'FLRDF0A52>': origin
- 'FLRDF0A52': sender callsign (may include device ID)
- 'APRS,qAS,LSTB:': source
- 'APRS': software version (always "APRS")
- 'qAS': q construct (not suited for beacon identifcation)
- 'LTSB': receiver callsign
- '/': position with timestamp follows
- '220132h': timestamp in 24h notation UTC (22 hours, 1 minute, 32 seconds)
- '4658.70N/00707.72Ez': position (WSG84) - see position precision enhancement below as well
- '4658.70N': latitude (46 degrees, 58.70 minutes north)
- '/': display symbol - table to use (primary symbol table)
- '00707.72E': longitude (007 degrees, 07.77 minutes east)
- 'z': display symbol - position in table "/" to use (house symbol)
- '090/054': optional heading and speed ("000/000" indicates no data)
- '090': heading (001 thru 360) in degrees ("090" = east)
- '054': ground speed in knots
- '/A=001424': altitude (1424 feet)
- '!W37!': position precision enhancement
- '3': latitude minutes third decimal digit (46 degrees, 58.703 minutes north)
- '7': longitude minutes third decimal digit (007 degrees, 07.727 minutes east)
All subsequent groups are OGN specific sender details:
id06DF0A52 +020fpm +0.0rot FL000.00 55.2dB 0e -6.2kHz gps4x6 s6.01 h03 rDDACC4 +5.0dBm hearD7EA hearDA95
- 'id02DF0A52'
- 0x'06' = 0b'00000110': sender details (2 digit hex number encoding 8 bits)
- 0b'0' = 'false': stealth mode boolean (should never be "1")
- 0b'0' = 'false': no-tracking boolean (must ignore if "1")
- 0b'0001' = '1':
- 0b'10' = '2': address type - 01 ICA 02 FLR 03 OGN 04 P3I 05 FNT 0 RANDOM
- 'DF0A52': sender address
- 0x'06' = 0b'00000110': sender details (2 digit hex number encoding 8 bits)
- '+020fpm': climb rate in "feet per minute"
- '+0.0rot': turn rate in "half turn per 2 minutes"
- 'FL000.00': optional flight level
- '55.2dB': signal to noise ratio (5db are considered the lower limit for meaningful reception)
- '0e': CRC error rate (>5 is considered unusable)
- '-6.2kHz': frequency offset (should be constant thanks to GSM sync)
- 'gps4x6': optional GPS signal quality
- '4': horizontal accuracy (4 meters)
- '6': vertical accuracy (6 meters)
- 's6.01': optional FLARM software version
- 'h03': optional FLARM hardware version (hex)
- 'rDDACC4': optional FLARM device ID
- '+5.0dBm': optional power ratio
⚠️ unconfirmed - 'hearD7EA hearDA95': optional other FLARM devices received by this device
- 'hearD7EA': receiving FLARM device with ID ending "D7EA"
- 'hearDA95': receiving FLARM device with ID ending "DA95"