Groundstation for Open Glider Network with ESP32
I want to highlight that I am a non-professional programmer. This software is at alpha status.
The aim of this project is to create a simple base station for the OGN network. The SoftRF project was used as the base. Thanks to Linar Yusupov for this work!
A TTGO T-Beam (SoftRF Prime Edition MkII) is used as hardware, which has Wifi, Bluetooth, U-Blox GPS and a LoraWan chip.
The TT-Beam does not need another computer (Raspberry) and sends the APRS messages directly into the Open Glider network. Only WiFi and callsign have to be configured, the position is determined via gps.
Since the T-Beam is very energy-saving, it can be operated very easily on a battery with solar panels.
There are also a few drawbacks to the traditional OGN receivers. Several protocols cannot be decoded at the same time (at the moment - second protocol has no function).
- LILYGO TTGO T-Beam (Lora, GPS, Bluetooth, Wifi, OLED)
- TTGO LoRa32 (TESTING - Lora, Bluetooth, Wifi, OLED)
- Power consumption around 20 mA in sleep mode - 120mA on normal mode
- 40 - 60 mA without GPS
- OLED status messages
- ntp time sync - no gps needed
- Deep Sleep
- Auto wakeup on RX packages
- Wakeup Timer
- No additional computer necessary - only Wifi ;
- Ideal for solar and battery supply
- low cost hardware
- Protocol hopping - aprs messages are sent every 5 seconds - in progress
- there should be enough time to decode a second protocol
Frequency hopping in legacy mode (868.2 / 868.4)works (Thanks Nick)- ADS-B decoder
- we still need some hardware - in progress
- send APRS messages over LoraWan
- send Fanet service data (google protobuf) - in testing
- Plutonium battery for a life of 100 years
- configure via remote (google protobuf) - in progress
- SNR calculation not correct
- No RAM and CPU data in APRS status messages
- no GPS signal quality data in APRS messages
- no turn rate in APRS messages (always zero)
- disable sleep mode if everyone is connected to webserver
- DEEPSLEEP_RESET gets stuck after a few resets - arduino-esp32 #796
- and a lot more...
- create an issue or send me an email.
- describe your problem in a few sentences
- I will try to deal with all issues, maybe it will take a little longer sometimes, just be patient
- install latest Arduino IDE
- git clone --recursive
- make sure the arduino ide is using the correct libraries.
- Install arduino ide
- make sure you are using the correct librarys
Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader- Compile and upload Sketch and files (.css and .html)
- Connect to OGN Wifi AP and configure
- You can update you installation http://you-ogn-ground-ip/update
- You can upload new .html .css files http://you-ogn-ground-ip/upload
- Download binary image and install it with web-updater
- Connect to Wifi OGN-XXXXXX with password 987654321
- Type in you browser and you will see a file-upload page (only on first startup)
- Upload index.html, update.html and style.css
- new config.json is required!
- Reset and connect again
Since there were more and more faulty files during an update, the SPIFFS memory is formatted during a firmware update.
The groundstation is configured via a json file. All other text files (zabbix.txt, ogn_conf.txt) are no longer required.
- Bootloop - erase flash with
- erase_flash
- ESP32 Download Tool - ERASE
- use always actual .html .css files
- upload files before install new firmware!
- like - TinyGPS++ is not found
- Arduino ide ignores the ogn libraries. Rename the original lib folder and move the ogn basesation librarys folder to the same location.
Firmware updater can be reached at http://you-ogn-ground-ip/update
File uploader can be reached at http://you-ogn-ground-ip/upload
During the first start-up you will be automatically directed to the file upload page.
After the html and css files have been uploaded, the T-Beam can be restarted. After that, the surface should be visible like the picture.
A simple Python script is sufficient to debug the APRS messages. APRS messages are not output via the serial interface.
When the T-Beam is connected to the wifi it will send the debug messages to the ip address ending with 200.
As an an example
The destination port can be freely selected in the web interface. 12000 is used as the default port. Change IP and run
python3 12000
If you have several ESP32 running, they will be displayed with different colors.
Please note that no core dumps are shown here! A serial connection is necessary for this.
A new section in config.json enables remote log server.
I guarantee that no sensitive WiFi data will be transmitted!!
import socket
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored, cprint
colors =['blue','green','yellow','cyan','magenta','']
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
UDP_PORT_NO = int(sys.argv[1])
print("usage: python3 <port>")
UDP_IP_ADDRESS = "" #change ip
serverSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
serverSock.bind((UDP_IP_ADDRESS, UDP_PORT_NO))
stations = []
while True:
data, addr = serverSock.recvfrom(512)
if addr[0] not in stations:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
index = stations.index(addr[0])
print_c = lambda x: cprint(x, colors[index])
print_c("%s Message: %s from %s"%(current_time, data.decode("utf-8"), addr[0]))
should look something like this..
17:23:49 Message: # aprsc 2.1.5-g8af3cdc 29 Dec 2020 16:23:43 GMT GLIDERN1
17:24:09 Message: # aprsc 2.1.5-g8af3cdc 29 Dec 2020 16:24:03 GMT GLIDERN1
17:24:09 Message: # aprsc 2.1.5-g8af3cdc 29 Dec 2020 16:24:03 GMT GLIDERN1
17:24:29 Message: # aprsc 2.1.5-g8af3cdc 29 Dec 2020 16:24:23 GMT GLIDERN1
17:24:29 Message: # aprsc 2.1.5-g8af3cdc 29 Dec 2020 16:24:23 GMT GLIDERN1
17:24:47 Message: user XXXXXXX pass XXXXX vers ESP32 0.1.0-2 m/100
17:24:48 Message: MUHLB>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,248280:/162447h4657.37NI00715.50E&/A=001814
17:24:49 Message: entering sleep mode for 43200 seconds - good night from
17:28:46 Message: good morning, startup esp32 groundstation after Deep Sleep reset digital core from
If you want to debug the aprs messages in the OG network, the python aprs client is ideal.
Under Linux, the callsign can still be filtered with grep
python3 | grep "callsign"
from ogn.client import AprsClient
from ogn.parser import parse, ParseError
import re
pattern_table = re.compile(r'[N][ ]{1}')
def process_beacon(raw_message):
beacon = parse(raw_message)
messages = re.findall(pattern_table, beacon['raw_message'])
if messages:
except ParseError as e:
print('Error, {}'.format(e.message))
client = AprsClient(aprs_user='N0CALL')
try:, autoreconnect=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nStop ogn gateway')
- MULHBtest
- origin
- Lat / Lon / Alt
- if zero, GPS position is used
- GeoID
- if Lat / Lon / Alt is zero - GPS is used
- APRS Debug
- sending UDP messages to with port 12000
- take a look to
- Ignore Track / Stealth Bit
- if False, Aircrafts with Stealth or No-Track bit set will not be forwarded to OGN
- Sleep Mode
- Full - ESP32 and GPS will go sleep after RX ilde seconds (min. 1800 seconds) ~ 20mA
- only SX12xx stay awake
- Without GPS ~80mA
- Disabled ~120mA
- Full - ESP32 and GPS will go sleep after RX ilde seconds (min. 1800 seconds) ~ 20mA
- Wake up Timer
- ESP will wake up after 3600 sec even if no package was received
- Attention, the T-Beam cannot be brought out of sleep mode remotely!
- to disable enter zero
- ESP will wake up after 3600 sec even if no package was received
Remote control is possible using google protobuf. Take a look at proto folder. The following command can be used to compile the .proto file.
protoc -I=. --python_out=. ogn_service.proto
A short python script for illustration.
#! /usr/bin/python
import ogn_service_pb2
import socket
import time
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 12001 #always APRS D-Port + 1
def addSize(data):
return(len(data).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') + data)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
RSM = ogn_service_pb2.OneMessage()
values = RSM.receiverConfiguration = 1
values.protocol = 1
values.aprsd = 0
values.aprsp = 12000
values.itrackb = 1
values.istealthb = 1
values.sleepm = 0
values.rxidle = 1601
values.wakeup = 1601
values.reset = 0
values.reboot = 1
msg = addSize(RSM.SerializeToString())
sock.sendto(msg, (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
Please note that pictures are not necessarily up to date!
Very rudimentary. Some parameters will be added in the future.
I am always open to wishes and suggestions, but would also like to emphasize that I do this project in my spare time. I am not responsible for any damage caused by this software.
I first had contact with the SoftRF project at the beginning of 2020. The idea of turning it into a low cost and low power ground station came up in June. I spend a lot of my free time on this project. If you like this project, then I would be happy if you buy me a coffee [beer].
If you have any wishes or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me!
- Peter A.
- Nick
- Guy
- Andreas
Ivan Grokhotkov - Arduino core for ESP8266
Zak Kemble - nRF905 library
Stanislaw Pusep - flarm_decode
Paul Stoffregen - Arduino Time Library
Mikal Hart - TinyGPS++ and PString Libraries
Phil Burgess - Adafruit NeoPixel Library
Andy Little - Aircraft and MAVLink Libraries
Peter Knight - TrueRandom Library
Matthijs Kooijman - IBM LMIC and Semtech Basic MAC frameworks for Arduino
David Paiva - ESP8266FtpServer
Lammert Bies - Lib_crc
Pawel Jalocha - OGN library
Timur Sinitsyn, Tobias Simon, Ferry Huberts - NMEA library
yangbinbin ([email protected]) - ADS-B encoder C++ library
Hristo Gochkov - Arduino core for ESP32
Evandro Copercini - ESP32 BT SPP library
Limor Fried and Ladyada - Adafruit BMP085 library
Kevin Townsend - Adafruit BMP280 library
Limor Fried and Kevin Townsend - Adafruit MPL3115A2 library
Oliver Kraus - U8g2 LCD, OLED and eInk library
Michael Miller - NeoPixelBus library
Shenzhen Xin Yuan (LilyGO) ET company - TTGO T-Beam and T-Watch
JS Foundation - jQuery library
XCSoar team - EGM96 data
Mike McCauley - BCM2835 C library
Dario Longobardi - SimpleNetwork library
Benoit Blanchon - ArduinoJson library project - Flashrom library
Robert Wessels and Tony Cave - EasyLink library
Oliver Jowett - Dump978 library
Phil Karn - FEC library
Lewis He - AXP20X library
Bodmer - TFT library
Michael Kuyper - Basic MAC library
Erriez - ErriezCRC32 library
IntelliTrend GmbH - zabbix-iot library
Marian Craciunescu - ESP32PING library