test-runner is a util which lets you easily run a set of mocha tests programatically, and report the results.
The test runner automatically generates -h | --help
parameter helper outputs using the data provided during setup. The generated help output displays each available argument that can be used with the test suite, along with any provided typing and description for the options, as well as provided usage descriptions or notes.
Test runs return a Promise containing the results to allow you to easily perform custom reporting alongside (or instead of) the built in reporting tool.
Also included is a Promise-based wrapper around nodemailer, which allows for simplified setup and use for sending email reports for completed test runs.
> node run.js --your arguments --go --here
const Runner = require('mocha-runner-reporter');
const Reporter = Runner.Reporter; // Optional
const params = {...}; // See Structure
const reportData = {...}; // See Structure
const runner = new Runner(test-files, ignored-files, params);
.then(results => {
// Optional custom reporting using the raw data for a full report. or a minimal report if a truthy value is passed
const report = runner.generateReport(params.title, results, minimal);
// Optional reporting using the generated report
const reporter = new Reporter(reportData.provider, reportData.email, reportData.password, reportData.alias);
return reporter.sendEmail(reportData.recipients, reportData.subject, report);
This section covers the structure of the required data for the runner and reporter.
The test runner's constructor takes the following parameters object format
const params = {
title: 'Example title', // Title of the test suite
usage: 'node example [options]' // [Optional] Instructions for the usage of the suite
description: 'Example description', // [Optional] Description of the test suite
notes: ['note1', 'note2'], // [Optional] Notes about the test suite
args: [ // Array of arguments the test suite takes
aliases: ['example'], // Array of aliases the arg takes
description: 'example', // Description of the argument
type: 'string', // [Optional] Type of data the argument takes
required: (true || {}), // [Optional] Specify whether an argument is required
hidden: true, // [Optional] Hide the parameter from the help output
function: value => { // Function to perform using the provided data
default: () => { // [Optional] Function to fun if the argument is not provided
mochaOpts: { // [Optional] Mocha options to pass through (overridden by supplied arguments)
timeout: 20000,
ui: 'tdd'
afterArgs: () => {} // [Optional] Function to perform after processing arguments
For example:
const params = {
title: 'Test Runner Tester',
usage: 'node runner [suite/test] [options]',
description: 'Tests the thing which tests the tests.',
notes: [
'Foo bar baz',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco'
args: [
aliases: ['run', 'runner'],
description: 'Does a thing',
type: 'string',
required: {
requires: ['r', 'report']
function: value => {
config.option = value;
aliases: ['n', 'num', 'number'],
description: 'Does a different thing',
type: 'number',
required: true,
function: value => {
if (value === something) {
} else {
aliases: ['r', 'report'],
description: 'Send an email report from the test run to the provided email addresses (comma separated list)',
type: 'string[]',
function: value => {
reportData.recipients = value.split(',');
default: () => {
reportData.recipients = '[email protected]';
afterArgs: () => {
if (!config.option && config.somethingFromAnArg !== 'something') {
// More Validation
Which generates a helper output for the test suite
> node run.js -h
│ │
│ Test Runner Tester │
│ │
Tests the thing which tests the tests.
node runner [suite/test] [options]
--run, --runner {string} Does a thing - Requires -r/--report
-n, --num, --number {number} Does a different thing - Required
-r, --report {string[]} Send an email report from the test run to the provided email addresses (comma separated list)
-t, --timeout {number} Time in milliseconds to wait before a test is counted as failing (Defaults to 300000)
-s, --slow {number} Time in milliseconds to wait before a test is counted as slow (Defaults to 10000)
-R, --reporter {string} Mocha reporter to use (Defaults to spec)
Foo bar baz
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
The test runner also includes an optional promise based wrapper around nodemailer, which also simplifies the setup and sending of emails. To use the reporter, you need to have the following data (not required to be in an object as per the usage section)
const reportData = {
provider: 'gmail', // See here for supported providers - https://github.com/nodemailer/nodemailer-wellknown#supported-services
email: '[email protected]', // The email address to send from
password: '<password>', // Password for the above email address
alias: 'Test Reporter', // [Optional] Alias to use for the sent email
recipients: [], // Array of recipients to use for the sent report
subject: 'Test Results' // Subject to use for the email
The runner will also let you generate a report from the data gathered during the test run. The report can be generated by using the .generateReport()
function of the runner.
runner.run().then(results => {
const report = runner.generateReport(params.title, results);
Test Runner Tester
Test Results
- Test Suites Ran : 2
- Total Passes : 8 (72.72%)
- Total Failures : 3 (27.27%)
- Total Skipped : 0 (0%)
- Total Duration : 1m25s
- Start Time : Mon Sep 19 2016 10:08:06 GMT+0100 (BST)
‖ Example Test
- File : /path/to/some/file.js
- Passes : 0 (0%)
- Failures : 1 (100%)
- Skipped : 0 (0%)
- Duration : 0ms
| Failures:
Failure 1:
Name : "before all" hook: Early failure
Duration : NaN
Error : RuntimeError
(UnknownError:13) An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
Problem: unknown error: cannot determine loading statusfrom disconnected: received Inspector.detached event
-> url("https://test.example.com")
at /path/to/some/file.js:12:34
at ...
‖ Another Example Test
- File : /path/to/other/file.js
- Passes : 8 (80%)
- Failures : 2 (20%)
- Skipped : 0 (0%)
- Duration : 1m25s
| Failures:
Failure 1:
Name : should fail
Duration : 832ms
Error : expected 'Something' to equal 'Something Else'
at /path/to/other/file.js:12:34
at ...
Failure 2:
Name : should also fail
Duration : 4s 652ms
Error : RuntimeError
(NoSuchWindow:23) A request to switch to a different window could not be satisfied because the window could not be found.
Problem: no such window: target window already closed from unknown error: web view not found
-> url("https://test.example.com/profile")
at /path/to/other/file.js:56:10
at ...