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Merge pull request #352 from ncss-tech/duckdb-ssurgo
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createSSURGO: add support for creating DuckDB and other DBI-compatible databases
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brownag authored Jun 10, 2024
2 parents 7bab4cd + 87ff391 commit 0767027
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Showing 5 changed files with 199 additions and 38 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ License: GPL (>= 3)
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: grDevices, graphics, stats, utils, methods, aqp (>= 2.0.2), data.table, DBI, curl
Suggests: jsonlite, xml2, httr, rvest, odbc, RSQLite, sf, wk, terra, raster, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
Suggests: jsonlite, xml2, httr, rvest, odbc, RSQLite, duckdb, sf, wk, terra, raster, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
Repository: CRAN
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120 changes: 87 additions & 33 deletions R/createSSURGO.R
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#' Several ESRI shapefiles are found in the _/spatial/_ folder extracted from a SSURGO ZIP. These have prefix `soilmu_` (mapunit), `soilsa_` (survey area), `soilsf_` (special features). There will also be a TXT file with prefix `soilsf_` describing any special features. Shapefile names then have an `a_` (polygon), `l_` (line), `p_` (point) followed by the soil survey area symbol.
#' @return Character. Paths to downloaded ZIP files (invisibly). May not exist if `remove_zip = TRUE`.
#' @seealso [createSSURGO()]
downloadSSURGO <- function(WHERE = NULL,
areasymbols = NULL,
destdir = tempdir(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,10 +112,18 @@ downloadSSURGO <- function(WHERE = NULL,

#' Create a SQLite database or GeoPackage from one or more SSURGO Exports
#' Create a database from SSURGO Exports
#' The following database types are tested and fully supported:
#' - SQLite or Geopackage
#' - DuckDB
#' - Postgres or PostGIS
#' In theory any other DBI-compatible data source can be used for output. See `conn` argument. If you encounter issues using specific DBI connection types, please report in the soilDB issue tracker.
#' @param filename Output file name (e.g. `'db.sqlite'` or `'db.gpkg'`)
#' @param exdir Path containing containing SSURGO spatial (.shp) and tabular (.txt) files.
#' @param filename Output file name (e.g. `'db.sqlite'` or `'db.gpkg'`). Only used when `con` is not specified by the user.
#' @param exdir Path containing containing input SSURGO spatial (.shp) and tabular (.txt) files, downloaded and extracted by `downloadSSURGO()` or similar.
#' @param conn A _DBIConnection_ object. Default is a `SQLiteConnection` used for writing .sqlite or .gpkg files. Alternate options are any DBI connection types. When `include_spatial=TRUE`, the sf package is used to write spatial data to the database.
#' @param pattern Character. Optional regular expression to use to filter subdirectories of `exdir`. Default: `NULL` will search all subdirectories for SSURGO export files.
#' @param include_spatial Logical. Include spatial data layers in database? Default: `TRUE`.
#' @param overwrite Logical. Overwrite existing layers? Default `FALSE` will append to existing tables/layers.
Expand All @@ -123,6 +132,7 @@ downloadSSURGO <- function(WHERE = NULL,
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `write_sf()` for writing spatial layers.
#' @return Character. Vector of layer/table names in `filename`.
#' @seealso [downloadSSURGO()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
Expand All @@ -131,29 +141,44 @@ downloadSSURGO <- function(WHERE = NULL,
#' }
createSSURGO <- function(filename,
conn = DBI::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("SQLite"),
loadable.extensions = TRUE),
pattern = NULL,
include_spatial = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
header = FALSE,
quiet = TRUE,
...) {

if (missing(filename) || length(filename) == 0) {
stop("`filename` should be a path to a .gpkg or .sqlite file to create or append to.")
if ((missing(filename) || length(filename) == 0) && missing(conn)) {
stop("`filename` should be a path to a .gpkg or .sqlite file to create or append to, or a DBIConnection should be provided via `conn`.")
} else {
filename <- NULL

IS_GPKG <- grepl("\\.gpkg$", filename, = TRUE)[1]
# DuckDB has special spatial format, so it gets custom handling for
IS_DUCKDB <- inherits(conn, "duckdb_connection")

f <- list.files(exdir, recursive = TRUE, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)

if (!requireNamespace("sf"))
stop("package `sf` is required to write spatial datasets to SSURGO SQLite databases", call. = FALSE)

if (!requireNamespace("RSQLite"))
stop("package `RSQLite` is required to write tabular datasets to SSURGO SQLite databases", call. = FALSE)
if (!IS_DUCKDB) {
if (!requireNamespace("sf"))
stop("package `sf` is required to write spatial datasets to DBI data sources", call. = FALSE)

if (isTRUE(overwrite) && file.exists(filename)) {
if (missing(conn)) {
# delete existing file if overwrite=TRUE
if (isTRUE(overwrite) && file.exists(filename)) {

# if user did not specify their own connection, close on exit
} else {
if (isTRUE(overwrite)) {
message("`filename` and `overwrite` arguments ignored when `conn` is specified")

# create and add combined vector datasets:
Expand All @@ -167,14 +192,35 @@ createSSURGO <- function(filename,
if (nrow(shp.grp) >= 1 && ncol(shp.grp) == 3 && include_spatial) {
f.shp.grp <- split(f.shp, list(feature = shp.grp[,1], geom = shp.grp[,2]))

if (IS_DUCKDB) {
DBI::dbExecute(conn, "INSTALL spatial; LOAD spatial;")

lapply(seq_along(f.shp.grp), function(i) {
lapply(seq_along(f.shp.grp[[i]]), function(j){
lapply(seq_along(f.shp.grp[[i]]), function(j) {
lnm <- layer_names[match(gsub(".*soil([musfa]{2}_[apl])_.*", "\\1", f.shp.grp[[i]][j]),

if (overwrite && j == 1) {
sf::write_sf(sf::read_sf(f.shp.grp[[i]][j]), filename, layer = lnm, overwrite = TRUE, ...)
} else sf::write_sf(sf::read_sf(f.shp.grp[[i]][j]), filename, layer = lnm, append = TRUE, ...)
if (IS_DUCKDB) {
if (overwrite && j == 1) {
DBI::dbExecute(conn, sprintf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;", lnm))
DBI::dbExecute(conn, sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s AS SELECT * FROM ST_Read('%s');",
lnm, f.shp.grp[[i]][j]))
} else {
DBI::dbExecute(conn, sprintf("INSERT INTO %s SELECT * FROM ST_Read('%s');",
lnm, f.shp.grp[[i]][j]))
} else {
shp <- sf::read_sf(f.shp.grp[[i]][j])

colnames(shp) <- tolower(colnames(shp))
sf::st_geometry(shp) <- "geometry"

if (overwrite && j == 1) {
sf::write_sf(shp, conn, layer = lnm, delete_layer = TRUE, ...)
} else {
sf::write_sf(shp, conn, layer = lnm, append = TRUE, ...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,9 +257,6 @@ createSSURGO <- function(filename,
msidxdet <- read.delim(msidxdn[1], sep = "|", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = header)

con <- RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), filename, loadable.extensions = TRUE)

lapply(names(f.txt.grp), function(x) {

if (!is.null(mstabcol)) {
Expand All @@ -226,7 +269,7 @@ createSSURGO <- function(filename,

d <- try([[x]]), function(i) {

# print(f.txt.grp[[x]][i])
y <- read.delim(f.txt.grp[[x]][i], sep = "|", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = header)

if (length(y) == 1) {
Expand All @@ -252,37 +295,48 @@ createSSURGO <- function(filename,
# write tabular data to file
if (overwrite) {
RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, mstab_lut[x], d, overwrite = TRUE)
} else RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, mstab_lut[x], d, append = TRUE)
DBI::dbWriteTable(conn, mstab_lut[x], d, overwrite = TRUE)
} else {
DBI::dbWriteTable(conn, mstab_lut[x], d, append = TRUE)
}, silent = quiet)

# create pkey indices
if (!is.null(indexPK) && length(indexPK) > 0) {
RSQLite::dbExecute(con, sprintf("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s (%s)",
paste0('PK_', mstab_lut[x]), mstab_lut[x], paste0(indexPK, collapse = ",")))
q <- sprintf("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s (%s)",
paste0('PK_', mstab_lut[x]), mstab_lut[x],
paste0(indexPK, collapse = ","))
DBI::dbExecute(conn, q)
}, silent = quiet)

# create key indices
if (!is.null(indexDI) && length(indexDI) > 0) {
for (i in seq_along(indexDI)) {
RSQLite::dbExecute(con, sprintf("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s (%s)",
paste0('DI_', mstab_lut[x]), mstab_lut[x], indexDI[i]))
q <- sprintf("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s ON %s (%s)",
paste0('DI_', mstab_lut[x]), mstab_lut[x], indexDI[i])
DBI::dbExecute(conn, q)
}, silent = quiet)

if (inherits(conn, 'SQLiteConnection')) {
IS_GPKG <- grepl("\\.gpkg$", conn@dbname, = TRUE)[1]
} else {

# for GPKG output, add gpkg_contents (metadata for features and attributes)
if (IS_GPKG) {
if (!.gpkg_has_contents(con)) {
if (!.gpkg_has_contents(conn)) {
# if no spatial data inserted, there will be no gpkg_contents table initally
# update gpkg_contents table entry
try(.gpkg_delete_contents(con, mstab_lut[x]))
try(.gpkg_add_contents(con, mstab_lut[x]))
try(.gpkg_delete_contents(conn, mstab_lut[x]))
try(.gpkg_add_contents(conn, mstab_lut[x]))

# TODO: other foreign keys/relationships? ALTER TABLE/ADD CONSTRAINT not available in SQLite
Expand All @@ -291,7 +345,7 @@ createSSURGO <- function(filename,

res <- RSQLite::dbListTables(con)
res <- DBI::dbListTables(conn)

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21 changes: 17 additions & 4 deletions man/createSSURGO.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions man/downloadSSURGO.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions misc/postgis-ssurgo.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
title: "`createSSURGO()` + PostGIS"
output: md_document

## Setup PostGIS Docker Container

First, install [Docker](

Then, pull the `postgis` image you want.

Here, we get the latest version using tag `"latest"`:

docker pull postgis/postgis:latest

Then run an instance of the image.

docker run --name steep-piano -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword -d -p 5432:5432 postgis/postgis

Give it a name (e.g. `steep-piano`). The default username is `postgres`. Set a password (e.g. `"mypassword"`) and port to forward (e.g. `5432`) from your docker container to your public host network address.

In the simplest case you are just running `postgis` for local testing, so the host address will simply be `localhost`.

You can then make a connection to the PostGIS instance running in the Docker container.

To make sure everything is working open up the `psql` SQL prompt:

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

Then use command `\l` to list databases then `\q` to quit.

# Connecting with R

Create a database connection to your local PostGIS instance. To do this we use DBI and RPostgres packages.

con <- DBI::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("Postgres"),
host = "localhost",
port = 5432L,
user = "postgres",
password = "password")

Download some SSURGO data, if needed, and extract the files/folder structure to `"SSURGO_test"` subfolder of current working directory.

```{r, eval = FALSE}
if (!dir.exists("SSURGO_test"))
downloadSSURGO(areasymbols = c("CA067", "CA077", "CA632"),
destdir = "SSURGO_test")

Pass the `con` argument to `createSSURGO()` to override the default SQLite connection that is created to `filename`. When `con` is not the default SQLite connection, the `filename` argument can take any value (including `NULL`).

```{r, eval = FALSE}
createSSURGO(exdir = "SSURGO_test",
con = con)

Once the tables have been written to the database, you can write queries involving spatial and tabular data.
Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to use `sf::st_read()`.

The `st_read()` function can take a DBIConnection as a data source, and takes a `query` argument. It will return an `sf` data frame if the result table contains a geometry column. Otherwise, it will return a data.frame (with a warning).

res <- sf::st_read(con, query = "SELECT
ST_Centroid(geometry) AS centroid,
ST_Area(geometry) AS polygon_area,
FROM mupolygon
LEFT JOIN muaggatt ON muaggatt.mukey = CAST(mupolygon.mukey AS integer)
plot(res["musym"], pch = "+")

Close the connection when you are done.


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