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get_OSD: TXT and HTML formats and unified interface (#196)
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brownag authored Jul 12, 2021
1 parent 860479e commit ad1f146
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Showing 7 changed files with 219 additions and 199 deletions.
76 changes: 0 additions & 76 deletions R/OSD-file-access.R

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157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions R/get_OSD.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
#' Fetch Official Series Description Data from JSON, HTML or TXT sources
#' @param series A character vector of Official Series names e.g. `"Chewacla"`
#' @param result Select `"json"`, `"html"`, or `"txt"` output
#' @param base_url Optional: alternate JSON/HTML/TXT repository path. Default: `NULL` uses `""` for `result="json"`
#' @param verbose Print errors and warning messages related to HTTP requests? Default: `FALSE`
#' @details The default `base_url` for `result="json"` is to JSON files stored in a GitHub repository that is regularly updated from the official source of Series Descriptions. Using format: `{LETTER}/{SERIES}.json` for JSON. And `"{LETTER}/{SERIES}.html` is for `result="html"` (official source).
#' @return For JSON result: A `data.frame` with 1 row per series, and 1 column per "section" in the OSD as defined in National Soil Survey Handbook. For TXT or HTML result a list of character vectors containing OSD text with 1 element per series and one value per line.
#' @export
#' @aliases get_OSD_JSON
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if(requireNamespace("curl") &
#' curl::has_internet()) {
#' series <- c("Musick", "Hector", "Chewacla")
#' get_OSD(series)
#' }
#' }
get_OSD <- function(series, base_url = NULL, result = c("json","html","txt"), verbose = FALSE) {
result <- match.arg(tolower(result), c("json","html","txt"))

a_url <- NULL
if (!is.null(base_url)) {
a_url <- base_url

"json" = { .get_OSD_JSON(series, base_url = a_url, verbose = verbose) },
"html" = { .get_OSD_HTML(series, base_url = a_url, verbose = verbose) },
"txt" = { .get_OSD_TXT(series, verbose = verbose) })

.get_OSD_HTML <- function(series, base_url = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
if(!requireNamespace('rvest', quietly=TRUE))
stop('please install the `rvest` package', call.=FALSE)

if (missing(base_url) || is.null(base_url))
base_url <- ''

# get HTML content and strip blank / NA lines
res <- sapply(.seriesNameToURL(series, base_url = base_url), function(x) {
htmlres <- try(rvest::html_text(rvest::read_html(x)), silent = !verbose)

if (inherits(htmlres, 'try-error'))

names(res) <- toupper(series)

.get_OSD_TXT <- function(series, base_url = "", verbose = FALSE) {
sapply(series, function(x) {
fp <- .seriesNameToURL(x, base_url = base_url, extension = "txt")

if (!file.exists(fp))

# remove empty lines and fix other markup
try(.stripOSDContents(readLines(fp)), silent = !verbose)

get_OSD_JSON <- function(series, base_url = NULL) {
# .Deprecated("get_OSD")
.get_OSD_JSON(series, base_url)

.get_OSD_JSON <- function(series, base_url = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {

# is default JSON repository path
if (missing(base_url) || is.null(base_url))
base_url <- ""

if (!requireNamespace("jsonlite"))
stop("package `jsonlite` is required", call. = FALSE)

# convert series name to upper case and remove NA
series <- toupper(na.omit(series))

# get first letter of each taxon (if any)
if (length(series) > 0 && all(nchar(series) > 1)) {
firstLetter <- substr(series, 0, 1)
} else stop("argument `series` should be character vector of existing official series names", call. = FALSE)

# construct URL
path <- file.path(base_url, firstLetter, paste0(series, ".json"))

# query, handle errors, return 'tidy' data.frame result
data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(seq_along(path), function(i) {

p <- path[i]
jsp <- try(jsonlite::read_json(p), silent = TRUE)

# warning will be generated for non-existent URL
if (inherits(jsp, 'try-error'))

jspn <- names(jsp)[!names(jsp) %in% c('SITE','HORIZONS')]
res <- try({, function(m) {
x <- jsp[[m]]
res2 <- x[[length(x)]]
if (is.null(res2))
res2 <- NA
}, silent = FALSE)
colnames(res) <- jspn

jsp$SITE[[1]][[1]]$id <- i
res$SITE <- list(data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(jsp$SITE[[1]], data.frame), fill = TRUE)))
res$HORIZONS <- list(data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(jsp$HORIZONS[[1]], data.frame), fill = TRUE)))

# handles weird cases
if (inherits(res, 'try-error'))



## Migrated / adapted from parseOSD repo
## 2021-06-21
## D.E. Beaudette

# generate a link to the OSD for a vector of series names
.seriesNameToURL <- function(s, base_url = '',
extension = 'html') {
paste0(base_url, .seriesNameToFileName(s, extension = extension))

# prepare a file name and capitalized-first-letter folder based on a series name
.seriesNameToFileName <- function(s, extension = 'txt') {

# convert space to _
s <- gsub(pattern = ' ', replacement = '_', toupper(s))

# TODO: convert apostrophe

sprintf('%s/%s.%s', substr(s, 1, 1), s, extension)

# remove empty lines and NA strip double quotes by converting to " inches"
.stripOSDContents <- function(x) {
x <- x[which(x != '')]
x <- x[which(!]
gsub('"', ' inches', x)
75 changes: 0 additions & 75 deletions R/get_OSD_JSON.R

This file was deleted.

43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions man/get_OSD.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions man/get_OSD_JSON.Rd

This file was deleted.


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