soilDB 2.4.1
This is a maintenance release of soilDB
addressing bug-fixes, small enhancements, and documentation gaps. Dependencies have been reduced by moving some packages from IMPORTS to SUGGESTS.
Recent Changes
soilDB 2.3.9 (2019-07-25)
- SDA_query() no longer writes temporary files, c/o suggestion from Kyle Bocinsky (#106 / #108)
- fetchOSD() gets a sanity check to protect against going over GET request limits
- makeChunks() added to util functions, useful for splitting data before sending API calls
soilDB 2.3.8 (2019-03-22)
- loafercreek, gopheridge, and mineralking sample data have been updated with valid place-holder in @sp
- bug fix for SDA_query() related to multi-line records (#28)
soilDB 2.3.7 (2019-03-12)
- sharpshootR added to SUGGESTS
- fetchHenry() and fetchSCAN() now include water year/day (Oct 1 -- Sep 30)
- HenryTimeLine() convenience function added
- bug fix in fetchOSD(..., extended=TRUE) when no climate data available
- bug fix in SDA_query()
soilDB 2.3.6 (2019-02-12)
- simplifyFragmentData() and related functions now 4-5x faster
- fetchOSD() now returns metadata when extended=TRUE