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CRAN Release 2.5.9

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@brownag brownag released this 26 Jan 19:11
· 1387 commits to master since this release

soilDB 2.5.9 (2021-01-26)

  • HenryTimeLine moved to {sharpshootR} package
  • new functions mukey.wcs() and ISSR800.wcs() for hitting web coverage service (WCS) for gSSURGO, gNATSGO, and ISSR-800 grids
  • new function ROSETTA() for accessing the new ROSETTA model API (c/o Todd Skaggs, USDA-ARS)
  • fetchOSD(..., extended=TRUE) gains geographically associated soils, parsed from OSD (thanks AGB)
  • fetchSDA_spatial now can return soil survey area polygons using geom.src = "sapolygon" with x as a vector of area symbols (areasymbol) or legend keys (lkey). For sapolygon results, the method and add.field arguments work the same as for mupolygon, only now both geometries can be returned with fields from the legend table.
  • fetchSDA_spatial now can return STATSGO gsmmupolygon geometry with db = "STATSGO"; these data are linked to mapunit and (national) legend just like mupolygon.