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CRAN Release 2.6.13

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@brownag brownag released this 31 Jan 15:20
· 980 commits to master since this release

soilDB 2.6.13 (2022-01-29)

  • fetchSDA_spatial now supports by.col "areaname", "mlraoffice", and "mouagencyresp"; thanks to suggestion by Jay Skovlin
  • fetchNASIS fix for multiple site observation records with surface fragments; thanks to bug report from Brianna Wegner
  • waterYearDay() use format and timezone for start date conversion
  • fetchNASIS fix for from="components", SS=FALSE and queries where no NASIS local database is present (e.g. from SQLite source)
  • Update to NASIS_table_column_keys dataset of NASIS primary and foreign keys by table name to include many more tables
  • fetchVegdata() no longer errors for child table queries unless site/site observation/vegetation plot records are missing
  • fetchOSD(extended=TRUE) now returns an element "NCCPI" containing the National Commodity Crop Production Index summaries. The values returned are quantiles at the 1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, and 99% levels over all SSURGO components with compname matching series for irrigated and non-irrigated condition.