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CRAN Release 2.6.3

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@brownag brownag released this 23 Jul 15:51
· 1181 commits to master since this release

soilDB 2.6.3 (2021-07-23)

  • SDA_query() and all functions that call SDA_query() get proper column class handling (related to #190), however:
    • be careful with the use of CAST(): unknown datatypes may not be correctly interpreted
    • previous column classes that were incorrectly guessed by type.convert() may have changed (e.g. component.wei)
  • SDA_spatialQuery() can now be used to return soil survey area symbols or geometry using what="areasymbol" or what="sapolygon", respectively
  • Added new columns to soil classification ("SC") table result of get_soilseries_from_NASIS(); now including taxonomic mineralogy class which may contain multiple parts for series with strongly contrasting control sections
  • Updates to get_SDA_*() methods
    • Extends get_SDA_property(property = ...) and get_SDA_interpretation(rulename = ...) vectorization over property/rulename to work with any aggregation method.
      • Now supports: Dominant Condition, Min, Max, Dominant Component, Weighted Average
    • Add query_string argument (default: FALSE). Set as TRUE to skip submitting query to SDA, instead returning a string of the query that would have been sent instead of data.frame result
    • get_SDA_property: better handling of NULL, miscellaneous areas, and property-specific weighting
      • Remove ISNULL(x, 0) logic that affected weighted averages in presence of missing data
      • Conditional calculation of horizon weights considering NULL values for requested properties (unique weights for each property)
      • New default argument include_minors=FALSE includes only components where majcompflag = 'Yes' in result
      • New default argument miscellaneous_areas=FALSE removes miscellaneous land types compkind values from result
      • Organic and bedrock layers are no longer removed from "Weighted Average", "MIN" or "MAX" aggregations
    • get_SDA_interpretation: added argument not_rated_value with default value of NA to set "not rated"" values across methods/queries. For backwards compatibility with original SQL use not_rated_value = 99.0
    • Standardizing MUKEY column name (and other keys) as lowercase in results
    • More informative error messages for bad input / arguments inconsistent with specified method
  • Thanks to @hammerly who pointed out weighted averaging of NASIS phlabresults wasn't working as expected and for highlighting some more improvements (#192)
  • get_OSD() TXT and HTML formats now supported (in addition to JSON) through a common function interface
  • Added get_NASIS_table_key_by_name() get_NASIS_fkey_by_name(), get_NASIS_pkeyref_by_name(), get_NASIS_pkey_by_name(), get_NASIS_table_name_by_purpose() methods for helping get information on primary/foreign keys and thematic groups of NASIS tables (useful for creating SQLite/external snapshots of NASIS tables)
  • get_mapunit_from_NASIS(), get_legend_from_NASIS() and get_lmuaoverlap_from_NASIS() now works for "MLRA Survey Area" areatypename and no longer is limited by constraints on legendsuituse or mustatus