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CRAN Release 2.6.5

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@brownag brownag released this 21 Aug 22:00

soilDB 2.6.5 (CRAN: 2021-08-21)

  • API calls that return geometry in projected coordinates (AEA/NAD83) now use ESPG:5070 instead of EPSG:6350

soilDB 2.6.4 (unreleased; 2021-08-06)

  • fetchNASIS(from="pedons") now supports fill=TRUE argument just like from="components" to include pedons that have no horizon records
  • createStaticNASIS(): column order should match NASIS, even if data types require reorder for ODBC driver
  • fetchSoilGrids() bug fixes, updates to metadata and references in documentation (#201)
    • Corrected the conversion factor used for predicted nitrogen values (conversion from cg/kg to g/kg)
    • Corrected the conversion factor used for uncertainty in bdod and nitrogen (SoilGrids uncertainty layer always uses factor of 10 to create integers)
    • Improved error handling
    • Added progress and verbose arguments for text progress bar and additional message output
    • Added support for {sf} and {sp} POINT geometry inputs
  • Add get_SDA_coecoclass() SOD-style method for mapunit/component level summaries of ecological site and other vegetation class information