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infer-subc v1.0.0

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@shanrhoads shanrhoads released this 07 Nov 18:42
· 19 commits to main since this release

infer-subc v1.0.0

We are happy to be sharing infer-subc v.1.0.0 with the community. 🎉


infer-subc is a Python-base bioimage analysis package used to perform instance segmentation and quantification on confocal microscopy images containing fluorescently labeled organelles.


Segmentation Workflows

infer-subc Segmentation Workflows are available through the co-developed organelle-segmenter-plugin for Napari. Instructions for use are found within this package. The following features are included:

Instance segmentation of:

  • Lysosomes (lyso)
  • Mitochondria (mito)
  • Golgi
  • Peroxisomes (perox)
  • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
  • Lipid droplets (LD)
  • Cell mask
  • Nuclei mask

Organelle quantification includes:

Additional Notes

Contributions & Comments

With several of us being new to the Python development work, we genuinely appreciate and openly accept any comments to improve our package. Please make use of the Issues and Discussion features in GitHub or reach out by email.

Napari Plugin Framework

The framework for our implementation of infer-subc in Napari via the co-developed organelle-segmenter-plugin is based on the Allen Cell & Structure Segmenter Napari plugin. We particularly leverage their workflow paradigm which is integral in the use of the Napari plugin interface. Although the logic of our multi-channel organelle segmentations required us to fork and modify their code, we hope it provides a stable, but evolving base which will help manage accumulation of technical debt.


The primary developers of this release are @shanrhoads and @ergonyc. Contributions were also made by @mwanacongo.


Support for this project includes the CZI Neurodegeneration Challenge Network (NDCN) and Nation Institute of Health under awards T32NS007431, F31AG079622, R01NS105981, and R35GM133460.