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Flashing firmware

Neale Pickett edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 2 revisions

If you want to build your own adapter, it's very simple with the Seeeduino XIAO.

1. Download the latest firmware

Get the latest firmware file from releases. The firmware filename ends in .UF2.

2. Plug the device in

It needs power from your computer.

3. Double-reset the device

Connect the two reset pads together twice in rapid succession. Like this:

Entering bootloader

This will make a new disk appear on your computer, like you had plugged in a flash drive.

Full instructions on Seeed Studio's web site.

4. Copy the firmware onto the device

Just drag the firmware file into the new drive. It will then reboot and your OS might yell at you for not ejecting it first. Don't worry about that, the device is fine.

5. You're done!

You should see the amber light flash twice and stay on. You're all ready to go!