#ColorCycle Color cycle generates RGB values, cycling through a sequence of colors. The colors are generated from a sine function with variable offsets for each RGB value. The frequency with which the ColorCycle changes colors and the opacity of the colors is also controllable via the constructor function.
##ColorCycle.Constructor Instantiates the ColorCycle with either provided arguments or default values.
ColorCycle(float frequency, float offsetRed, float offsetGreen, float offsetBlue, float alpha)
ColorCycle() //Uses default values
The frequency with which the colors change. The default value is 1.
A numeric offset that creates a sequence of colors to cycle through.
*Red default value: 0 *Green default value: 2 *Blue default value: 4
A number between 0 and 255 that controls the opacity of the color
Updates the current step of the color cycle and returns an array of floats with four values corresponding to Red Value, Green Value, Blue Value, and Alpha Value
ColorCycle.update() // Returns float[4]
ColorCycle cycle;
float[4] colorArray;
void setup() {
cycle = new ColorCycle(1.4, 0, 2, 4, 255);
void draw() {
// Draws a color-changing diagonal line every frame
colorArray = cycle.update();
stroke(colorArray[0], colorArray[1], colorArray[2], colorArray[3]);
line(0, 0, 50, 50);