A self-hosted RSS reader implementing Google-Reader API.
The UI is a copy of the stringer project, plus a little more customizations.
- A self-contained RSS reader, including
- a server, which manages your subscriptions and your read status.
- a user-friendly web-ui
- Implements Google-Reader API. You can use your favorite RSS client to connect your instance.
- A PWA which you can pin it in your mobile device without installing any app.
- j/k: up or down.
- z: mark all items above the current selected one as read.
- v: open the item in a new browser tab.
- e: expand the current selected item to see more details.
# Initialize your Sqlite database.
sqlx database create
sqlx migrate run
[email protected] APP_APPLICATION__PASSWORD=1234 cargo run
It will start both the server and the web-ui at localhost:7555. You can use email
and password
to login.
Run the following commands to start your own instance. You can also update the configuration/production.yaml
to change the config.
# Build
cargo build --release
# Initialize your Sqlite database.
sqlx database create
sqlx migrate run
APP_ENVIRONMENT=production [email protected] APP_APPLICATION__PASSWORD=1234 ./target/release/near-rss
# you may need to install the 'requests' module
export SUBS="your subscription OPML file"
export SERVER="your server hostname"
export EMAIL="your email"
export PASSWORD="your password"
python3 scripts/import.py $SUBS $SERVER $EMAIL $PASSWORD
You can customize the static resources in the public directory.
- The code needs to polish. My rust skills was rusty when I wrote this. I'm getting better (I hope), but this project hasn't.