[2.1.0] - 2023-09-01
Unity Version Control is now available as part of the Version Control Package! You can enable Unity Version Control via Window > Unity Version Control to get started!
If you have previously used the Unity Asset Store Plastic SCM plug-in, you can now simply use this package. Make sure you delete the plug-in from your project.
Removing a previously added Plastic SCM Asset Store Plug-In:
- Select the PlasticSCM folder in the Assets\Plugins folder on the Project tab, then click Edit > Delete
- Close the Unity Editor and open your project again. You will find the Plastic SCM menu item in the Window menu.
- Moved the button to invite users to the organization from the submenu to the toolbar.
- Show a message with a link to invite users to the organization after the first checkin.
- Don't write cloudProjectId in ProjectSettings.asset anymore since it should only be managed by Services.
- Added command to support Hub creating a new project, and connecting a project to Unity Version Control.
- Fixed Add to ignored/hidden changes list from the Project window creating a negative rule.
- Fixed Switch to changeset not working on Gluon partial workspace.