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updated networking docs
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hybridherbst committed Nov 19, 2024
1 parent d1699df commit 62daaba
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 61 deletions.
212 changes: 151 additions & 61 deletions documentation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,54 @@
# Networking

Needle Engine includes a full networking solution for multiplayer experiences.
A shared world state, voice chat, session persistence, and more can be achieved with our networking components and APIs. You can network your own components with a choice of automatic or manual networking.

Networking in Needle Engine is based on [Websockets]( Automatic networking uses JSON data for ease of use. For complex usecases and high performance requirements, we use [Flatbuffers](

Access to core networking functionality can be obtained by using ``this.context.connection`` from a component. The default backend server connects users to rooms. Users in the same room will share state and receive messages from each other.

Networking is currently based on [websockets]( and sending either json strings (for infrequent updates) or [flatbuffers]( (for frequent updates). Continue reading below for more details:
## Networking Concepts

### Rooms

At the heart of networking in Needle Engine is the concept of synchronized rooms. Each room has an ID, and users connect to a room by providing this ID. Rooms are stored on a server, and users can join and leave rooms at any time.
When a user joins a room, they receive the current state of the room, apply that current state to their scene, and then listen for changes to the room state.
When a user leaves a room, they stop listening for changes to the room state.

Room state is stored as JSON data on the server, so all changes are persistent. This means that room state is not only useful for networking, but also for persisting actions of a single user.

Needle can provide _view-only IDs_ for rooms. When accessing a room with a view-only ID, the user will not be able to interact with the room, but will be able to see the current state and get live updates. This is useful for presentations or demonstrations.

### Ownership

Objects in a room can be _owned_ by a user. This means that only the owner of an object can change its state.
By default, objects have no owner.
Components like `DragControls` will request ownership of an object before actually moving it.
In custom components, you can control how ownership is handled.
There may be no ownership required, ownership may be allowed to be transferred to another user automatically, or ownership may be transferred only by a specific action.

When a user leaves a room, objects owned by that user will either be deleted or have ownership reset, depending on how the object was created.

### Dynamic objects: `SyncInstantiate` and `SyncDestroy`

## Enable basic Networking for your project

1. Add a `SyncedRoom` component to your scene. By default, this will use networking infrastructure provided by Needle.
2. Add a `SyncedTransform` component to a object whose movement you want to synchronize across the network.
3. Add a `DragControls` component to the same object.

The `DragControls` component, like many other Needle components, has built-in networking support.
Ownership will be transferred to whoever starts dragging the object.

## Networked Components

- **SyncedRoom**
Handles networking connection and connection to a room.
This can also be done by code using the networking api accessible from `this.context.connection`

## Using Multiplayer

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,51 +79,18 @@ Networking is currently based on [websockets](
- ``Networking`` — use to customize the server backend url

## Manual Networking

### Sending

Send a json message to all users in the same room:
``this.context.connection.send(key:string, data: IModel | object | boolean | string | number | null)``

Send a flatbuffer binary array to all users in the same room:
## Automatic Networking for Components

#### Persistence
When sending an object containing a `guid` field it will be saved in the persistant storage and automatically sent to users that connect later or come back later to the site (e.g. to restore state).
To delete state for a specific guid from the backend storage you can use `delete-state` as the key and provide an object with `{ guid: "guid_to_delete" } `
Fields in your own components can be networked very easily. Changes to the field will automatically be detected and sent to all users in the room. The changes are also persisted as part of the Room State, so users that join the room later will receive the current state of the field as well, ensuring everyone sees the same data.

### Receiving
Subscribe to json events / listen to events in the room using a specific key
``this.context.connection.beginListen(key:string, callback:(data) => void)``
Unsubscribe with ``stopListening``

Subscribe to flatbuffer binary events
``this.context.connection.beginListenBinrary(identifier:string, callback:(data : ByteBuffer) => void)``
Unsubscribe with ``stopListenBinary``

#### Common Events

| **Room Events** ||
| - | - |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.JoinedRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *you* have joined a networked room |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.LeftRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *you* have left a networked room |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.UserJoinedRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *another user* has joined your networked room |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.UserLeftRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *another user* has left your networked room |

## Auto Networking (experimental)

To automatically network fields in a component you can just decorate a field with a ``@syncField()`` decorator (note: you need to have ``experimentalDecorators: true`` in your ``tsconfig.json`` file for it to work)
To automatically network a field in a component, decorate it with the ``@syncField()`` decorator:

:::details Example Code

<!-- SAMPLE network color change
*Automatically network a color field. The following script also changes the color randomly on click*

*Simple networking of a number*
```ts twoslash
import { Behaviour, syncField, IPointerClickHandler } from "@needle-tools/engine"
Expand All @@ -100,19 +113,98 @@ export class AutoFieldSync extends Behaviour implements IPointerClickHandler {

## Flatbuffers for your own components
Note that syncField has an optional parameter to specify a method that should be called when the value changes. This method should be defined in the same class.

::: tip Custom Project Setup
If you're using a custom project setup, you need to have ``experimentalDecorators: true`` in your ``tsconfig.json`` file for syncField decorators to work. Projects created with Needle Starters have this enabled by default.

## Low-Level Networking API

### Sending Messages

Send a message to all users in the same room:
this.context.connection.send(key: string, data: IModel | object | boolean | string | number | null);

Send a flatbuffer binary array to all users in the same room:
this.context.connect.sendBinary(byteArray: Uint8Array);

### Receiving Messages

You can subscribe to events in the room using a specific key.
Typically, you want to match this with unsubscribing:

- subscribe in `onEnable` and unsubscribe in `onDisable`
_No messages will be received while the object is disabled._
- or subscribe in `start` and unsubscribe in `onDestroy`
_Messages will still be received while the object is disabled._

this.context.connection.beginListen(key:string, callback:(data) => void)

Unsubscribe from events:

### Binary Messages in the Flatbuffer format

JSON messages are easy to use and understand, but are typically larger in memory and bandwidth. For large amounts of data, or when sending fast updates, binary messages are faster and more efficient. You can use Flatbuffers messages in Needle Engine for cases where that is required. Using Flatbuffers requires additional setup steps like defining and compiling a message schema, and is harder to debug since you're dealing with binary messages. Changes to the schema will typically not be compatible to earlier messages.

Subscribe to binary messages in Flatbuffer format:
this.context.connection.beginListenBinary(identifier:string, callback:(data : ByteBuffer) => void);

Unsubscribe from binary messages:

#### Further reading: Generating and using Flatbuffer schemas

- [Using the schema compiler](
- [Generating a schema](
- [Flatbuffer in Typescript](
- [Flatbuffers in Typescript](

### Persistent vs. Non-Persistent State

When sending network messages, the low-level API allows you to decide whether that message should be persistet (saved in the room state) or not (only sent to users currently in the room). To persist a message, make sure it has a `guid` field and it is set to a unique value. This field is typically used to apply the message data to a specific object.

All persistent messages are saved in the room state and will be sent to users that connect at a later point. Non-persistent messages are only sent to users currently in the room, which is useful for effects (like playing a sound effect) that don't make sense to play for users that are currently not in the room.

## Networking Package
To delete state for a specific guid from the backend storage, set the message key to `delete-state` and target a specific object with its guid: `{ guid: "guid_to_delete" } `.

Needle Engine currently uses its [own networking package]( hosted on npm. By default if not configured differently using the `Networking` component Needle Engine will connect to a server running on Glitch.
## Built-In Network Lifecycle Events

The following events are available to listen to in your components. They describe common network events that you might want to react to in your components, like yourself or another user joining or leaving a room.

| **Room Events** ||
| - | - |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.JoinedRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *you* have joined a networked room |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.LeftRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *you* have left a networked room |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.UserJoinedRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *another user* has joined your networked room |
| `this.context.beginListen(RoomEvents.UserLeftRoom, () => { })` | Listen to the event when *another user* has left your networked room |

## Networking on Glitch

When deploying your app to Glitch, we include a simple networking backend that is great for prototyping and small deployments (~15-20 people at the same time). You can later update to a bigger/better/stronger networking solution if required.

::: tip Max. 15-20 people on a default Glitch project
The default Glitch server instance is small and can only handle a limited amount of users. If you expect more than 15-20 people to be in your scene at the same time, you should consider hosting your own networking server.

## Hosting your own Networking Server

By default, networked Needle scenes connect to cloud infrastructure managed and provided by Needle. This is great for prototyping and small deployments, but you might want to host your own networking server for larger deployments or to have more control over the networking infrastructure and implementation.

Our networking server is available on NPM [own networking package]( It can be added to your own fastiy or express server with just a few lines of code. Other server frameworks might require additional setup.

It can be added to your own fastiy or express server running on any server for example by adding the following code on your server after installing the package:
import networking from "@needle-tools/needle-tiny-networking-ws";
networking.startServerFastify(fastifyApp, { endpoint: "/socket" });
Expand All @@ -126,33 +218,31 @@ The following options are available:
| `maxUsers` *number* | Amount of users allowed per room |
| `defaultUserTimeout` *number* | Timeout length in seconds until a user is kicked from a room (if no ping is received). Defaults to 30 seconds |

This networking server implementation will automatically manage connecting and disconnecting users, receiving and sending messages, and persisting room state.

## Networking on Glitch
Custom networking servers can be deployed anywhere, for example on Google Cloud. For further instructions please refer to this repository: [Local Networking Repository](

When deploying your app to Glitch, we include a simple networking backend that is great for prototyping and small deployments (~15-20 people at the same time). You can later update to a bigger/better/stronger networking solution if required.
::: tip Different server locations for local and hosted development
If you want to use a different server for your local development and your hosted development (and the hosted server is not the same as your needle engine deployed website) then you can also enter a absolute URL in the `Networking` component `URL` field as well:

### Limitations
![Needle Engine Networking component with networking server hosted elswhere](/imgs/networking_absolute.webp)

- approx. 15-20 people maximum – afterwards the small default Glitch server instance becomes slow
### Room State Data Format

> 🏗️ Under Construction
## Local Networking
## Local Networking for Custom Server Development

For testing and development purposes it can be desired to run the needle engine networking package on a local server. We have prepared a repository that is setup to host the websocket package and to make that easy for you. Please follow the instructions in the linked repository:
For testing and development purposes, you can run the Needle Engine networking package on a local server. We have prepared a repository that is set up to host the websocket package and to make that easy for you. Please follow the instructions in this repository:
- [Local Networking Repository](

## Hosting your own Networking Server

You can also deploy your own networking server on e.g. **google cloud**. For further instructions please refer to the description found here: [Local Networking Repository](

If you want to use a different server for your local development and your hosted development (and the hosted server is not the same as your needle engine deployed website) then you can also enter a absolute URL in the `Networking` component `URL` field as well:

![Needle Engine Networking component with networking server hosted elswhere](/imgs/networking_absolute.webp)

## peerjs
## Customizing WebRTC settings for peer.js

Needle Engine `Screencapture` / Screensharing and `Voip` components use [peerjs]( for networking audio and video.
Needle Engine `Screencapture` (Screensharing) and `VoIP` (Voice communication) components use [peer.js]( for networking audio and video. Peer.js uses WebRTC under the hood.

### Customizing peerjs options

- If you want to modify the default peerjs options you can call `setPeerOptions(opts: PeerjsOptions)` with your custom options. This can be used to modify the hosting provider in case where you host your own peerjs server.
Needle Engine uses reasonable defaults for peerjs. If you want to modify those defaults, you can call
setPeerOptions(opts: PeerjsOptions);
with your custom settings. This can be used to modify the hosting provider for ICE/STUN/TURN servers, for example when you use your own WebRTC servers.

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