Offset finder is a tool that automatically finds the buffer length required to overwrite the Instruction Pointer or Program Counter. It helps to perform Buffer Overflow Attack.
- Python 2.x or 3.x
- Pyinstaller
- Git
Follow following commands on the terminal to install the offset-finder.
git clone
cd offset-finder/
pyinstaller --onefile
sudo cp dist/pattern /usr/bin/
Note: This tool is only available for Linux operating system.
The tools usage and available options
usage: pattern [-h] [-l LENGTH] [-q QUERY]
Finds the offset required to overflow buffer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
The length of pattern required
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
The value of eip when input is the generated pattern
Enjoy overflowing buffer, but beware of canaries ;)
Following screenshots makes the usage of the tools very understandable.