#Check logs on Windows for something strange for more information how it had been created https://docs.google.com/document/d/11qMO0QSBqvCJs4bTUgcZA2ZDxr83HAw0rsv6QdRSaeI/edit
Install, if you don`t have: Sysmon and python(Internet in help), numpy and pandas(on powershell: pip install numpy,pandasm,lxml)
open powershell as admin
cd '....\Users\vipda\OneDrive\Рабочий стол'
Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational" -MaxEvents 50 | Export-Clixml sysmon_log50.xml p.s. MaxEvents-it how many logs do u need to check, write files with num how much u have logs
open new xml-file (sysmon_log50.xml) and replace 1st string to ' '
python3 .\program_for_anomalies_on_Windows.py
Write: sysmon_log50.xml(or another ur file name)
Now u have information more about ur pc+dataframe with logs in cute view
The end)