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Network Protocol

Tom Mo edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 3 revisions

NEO adopts a P2P network structure, in which nodes can communicate with each other through TCP/IP protocol. In this structure, there are two different types of nodes: peer node and validating node (referred to as Bookkeepers in the NEO Whitepaper). Peer node can broadcast, receive and transfer transactions or blocks, while validating node can create blocks.

The network protocol of NEO is roughly similar to bitcoin’s, however, data structure such as blocks or transactions is quite different.


  1. Byte Order

    All integer types in NEO are Little Endian except for IP address and port number, these 2 are Big Endian.

  2. Hash

    Two different hash functions are used in NEO: SHA256 and RIPEMD160. SHA256 is used to generate a long hash value, and RIPEMD160 is used to generate a short hash value. In general, we get an object's hash value by using hash function twice. For example, we use SHA256 twice when we want to generate block's or transaction's hash value. When generating a contract address, we will use SHA256 function first and then use RIPEMD160.

    In addition, the block will also use a hash structure called Merkle Tree. It computes the hash of each transaction and combines one another then hash again, repeats this process until there is only one root hash (Merkle Root).

  3. Variable Length Type

    • variant:variable length integer, can be encoded to save space according to the value typed.

      Value Length Format
      < 0xfd 1 uint8
      <= 0xffff 3 0xfd + uint16
      <= 0xffffffff 5 0xfe + uint32
      > 0xffffffff 9 0xff + uint64
    • varstr:variable length string, consisting of variable length integer followed by strings. String encoded by UTF8.

      Size Field DataType Description
      ? length variant The length of a string in bytes
      length string uint8[length] string itself
    • array:The array consists of a variable length integer followed by a sequence of elements.

  4. Fixed-point Number

    Data in NEO such as amount or price are 64 bit fixed-point number and the precision of decimal part is 10-8,range:[-263/108, +263/108)

Data Type

  1. Block Chain

    Block chain is a kind of logical structure, which is connected in series with a one-way linked list. It is used to store the data of the whole network, such as transactions or assets.

  2. Block

    Size Field DataType Description
    4 Version uint32 version of the block which is 0 for now
    32 PrevBlock uint256 hash value of the previous block
    32 MerkleRoot uint256 root hash of a transaction list
    4 Timestamp uint32 time stamp
    4 Height uint32 height of block
    8 Nonce uint64 random number
    20 NextMiner uint160 contract address of next miner
    1 - uint8 It's fixed to 1
    ? Script script Script used to validate the block
    ?*? Transactions tx[] transactions list

    When calculating the hash value of the block, instead of calculating the entire block, only first seven fields in the block head will be calculated, which are version, PrevBlock, MerkleRoot, timestamp, and height, the nonce, NextMiner. Since MerkleRoot already contains the hash value of all transactions, the modification of transaction will influence the hash value of the block.

    Data structure of block head:

    Size Field DataType Description
    4 Version uint32 version of the block which is 0 for now
    32 PrevBlock uint256 hash value of the previous block
    32 MerkleRoot uint256 root hash of a transaction list
    4 Timestamp uint32 time stamp
    4 Height uint32 height of block
    8 Nonce uint64 random number
    20 NextMiner uint160 contract address of next miner
    1 - uint8 It's fixed to 1
    ? Script script Script used to validate the block
    1 - uint8 It's fixed to 0

    The time stamp of each block must be later than previous block's time stamp. Generally the difference of two block's time stamp is about 15 seconds and imprecision is allowed. The height of the block must be exactly equal to the height of the previous block plus 1.

  3. Transaction

    Size Field DataType Description
    1 Type uint8 type of transaction
    ? - - Data specific to transaction types
    ?*? Attributes tx_attr[] Additional features that the transaction has
    34*? Inputs tx_in[] input
    60*? Outputs tx_out[] output
    ?*? Scripts script[] List of scripts used to validate the transaction

    All processes in NEO system are recorded in transactions. There are several types of transactions:

    Value Name System Fee Description
    0x00 MinerTransaction 0 assign byte fees
    0x01 IssueTransaction 500|0 inssuance of asset
    0x02 ClaimTransaction 0 assign ant coins
    0x20 EnrollmentTransaction 1000 enrollment for validator
    0x24 VotingTransaction 10 vote for validator
    0x40 RegisterTransaction 10000 assets register
    0x80 ContractTransaction 0 contract transaction
    0xb0 AgencyTransaction 0 agency transaction

    Each type of transaction, in addition to the public field, also has its own exclusive field. The following will describe these exclusive fields in detail.

    • MinerTransaction

      Size Field DataType Description
      - - - public filed of transaction
      4 Nonce uint32 random number
      - - - public filed of transaction

      The first transaction in each block must be MinerTransaction. It is used to reward all transaction fees of the current block to the validator.

      Random number in the transaction is used to avoid hash collision.

    • IssueTransaction

      Size Field DataType Description
      - - - public filed of transaction
      4 Nonce uint32 random number
      - - - public filed of transaction

      Asset managers can create the assets that have been registered in NEO' block chain through IssueTransaction, and sent them to any address.

      In particular, if the assets which being issued are NEO, then the transaction will be sent free.

      Random number in the transaction is used to avoid hash collision.

    • ClaimTransaction

      Size Field DataType Description
      - - - public filed of transaction
      34*? Claims tx_in[] ant shares for distribution
      - - - public filed of transaction
    • EnrollmentTransaction

      Size Field DataType Description
      - - - public filed of transaction
      33 PublicKey ec_point public key of validator
      - - - public filed of transaction

      The transaction represents an enrollment form, which indicates that the sponsor of the transaction would like to sign up as a validator.

      The way to sign up is: to construct an EnrollmentTransaction type of transaction, and send a deposit to the address of the PublicKey.

      The way to cancel the registration is: spend the deposit on the address of the PublicKey.

    • VotingTransaction

      Size Field DataType Description
      - - - public filed of transaction
      32*? Enrollments uint256[] List of the hash values on the enrollment form
      - - - public filed of transaction

      This transaction represents a vote, which indicates that the sponsor wants to vote on one or more of the registered validator candidates. It can be voted to 1024 candidates at maximum and one people at minmum. The weight of the vote is equal to the number of NEO in this transaction.

    • RegisterTransaction

      Size Field DataType Description
      - - - public filed of transaction
      1 AssetType uint8 asset type
      ? Name varstr asset name
      8 Amount int64 amount
      33 Issuer ec_point public key of issuer
      20 Admin uint160 hash value of issuer's contract
      - - - public filed of transaction

      If you want to create a new asset in the blockchain of NEO, you need to register the asset.

      Following are some types of asset that you may choose:

      Value Name Description
      0x00 AntShare ant share
      0x01 AntCoin ant coin
      0x10 Share equity/share
      0x20 Currency currency
      0x40 Token custom asset

      Each type of asset has its own specific limits.

      NEO and AntCoins are the system's built-in assets, so they cannot be created except for creating them in Genesis block (i.e., the block whose height is 0).

      When creating the equity-like assets, total amount should be limited and transactions need to be signed by both the sender and the receiver.

      When creating the currencies assets, total amount cannot be limited.

      Custom assets have no limits.

      About the total amount, there are two models: limited mode and unlimited mode. When the amount is a positive number, the asset is the limited type; when the amount is equal to the -10-8, the asset is the unlimited type.

    • ContractTransaction

      There is nothing special in the contract transaction.

    • AgencyTransaction

      Size Field DataType Description
      - - - public filed of transaction
      32 AssetId uint256 asset id
      32 ValueAssetId uint256 value asset id
      20 Agent uint160 agent's contract address
      ?*? Orders order[] order list
      1 - uint8 It's fixed to 1
      36 SplitOrder split_order orders that partially executed
      - - - public filed of transaction

      ValueAssetId in the agency transaction must be the currency asset, and cannot be the same as AssetId.

      Buying list and selling list should have at least one order each.

      Transactions cannot contain orders that are not traded, and only can contain one order which is partially executed.

      If there is an order that partially executed then the price of this order must be the worst, which means that it's the lowest price for buying orders and highest price for selling orders.

      For buying order, it can be executed at the price that is lower than the price specified by client. For selling order, it can be executed at the price that is higher than the price specified by client.

      Amount is accurate ot 10-4,price is accurate to10-4.

      Order's Data Structure:

      Size Field DataType Description
      32 AssetId uint256 asset id
      32 ValueAssetId uint256 value asset id
      20 Agent uint160 agent's contract address
      8 Amount int64 amount
      8 Price int64 price
      20 Client uint160 client's contract address
      34*? Inputs tx_in[] inputs
      ?*? Scripts script[] script list which is used to validate this order

      If an order is transferred along with the transaction, since it already contains information such as assets, currency, agents and so on, it can be compressed into the following format:

      Size Field DataType Description
      8 Amount int64 amount
      8 Price int64 price
      20 Client uint160 client's contract address
      34*? Inputs tx_in[] inputs
      ?*? Scripts script[] script list which is used to validate this order

      Data structure of order that being partially executed is like:

      Size Field DataType Description
      8 Amount int64 amount
      8 Price int64 price
      20 Client uint160 client's contract address

      For all kinds of orders, if the amount is positive, it means buying, if the amount is negative, it means selling.

  4. Transaction Feature

    Size Field DataType Description
    1 Usage uint8 usage
    0|1 length uint8 length of data(Specific circumstances will be omitted)
    length Data uint8[length] external data

    Sometimes the transaction will contain some data for external use, these data will be placed in the transaction feature field.

    Each transaction feature has different usages:

    Value Name Description
    0x00 ContractHash hash value of contract
    0x02-0x03 ECDH02-ECDH03 public key for ECDH key exchange
    0x20 Script additional validation of transactions
    0x80 CertUrl url address of certificate
    0x81 DescriptionUrl url address of description
    0x90 Description brief description
    0xa1-0xaf Hash1-Hash15 used to store custom hash values
    0xf0-0xff Remark-Remark15 remarks

    For ContractHash, ECDH series, Hash series, data length is fixed to 32 bytes and length field is omitted;

    For CertUrl, DescriptionUrl, Description, Remark series, the data length must be clearly defined, and the length should not exceed 255;

  5. Input of Transaction

    Size Field DataType Description
    32 PrevHash uint256 previous transaction's hash
    2 PrevIndex uint16 previous transaction's index
  6. Output of Transaction

    Size Field DataType Description
    32 AssetId uint256 asset id
    8 Value int64 value
    20 ScriptHash uint160 address of remittee

    Each transaction could have outputs up to 65536.

  7. Validation Script

    Size Field DataType Description
    ? StackScript uint8[] stack script code
    ? RedeemScript uint8[] contract script code

    Stack script can only be used for the PUSH operations, which is used to push data like signatures into the stack. The script interpreter will execute the stack script code first, and then execute the contract script code.

    In a transaction, the hash value of the contract script code must be consistent with the transaction output, which is part of the validation. The later section will describe the execution process of the script in detail.

Network Message

All network messages are sent in this structure:

Size Field DataType Description
4 Magic uint32 protocol id
12 Command char[12] command
4 length uint32 length of payload
4 Checksum uint32 checksum
length Payload uint8[length] content of message

Defined Magic value:

Value Description
0x00746e41 production mode
0x74746e41 test mode

Command is utf8 code, of which the length is 12 bytes, the extra part is filled with 0.

Checksum is the first 4 bytes of the value that two times SHA256 hash of the Payload.

According to different orders Payload has different detailed format, see below:

  1. version

    Size Field DataType Description
    4 Version uint32 version of protocol, 0 for now
    8 Services uint64 The service provided by the node is currently 1
    4 Timestamp uint32 current time
    2 Port uint16 port that the server is listening on, it's 0 if not used.
    4 Nonce uint32 it's used to distinguish the node from public IP
    ? UserAgent varstr client ID
    4 StartHeight uint32 height of block chain

    When a node receives a connection request, it declares its version immediately. There will be no other communication until both sides are getting versions of each other.

  2. verack

    When a node receives the version message, it replies to a verack as a response immediately.

    This message has no payload.

  3. getaddr

    Make requests to a node for a batch of new active nodes in order to increase the number of connections.

    This message has no payload.

  4. addr

    Size Field DataType Description
    30*? AddressList net_addr[] other nodes' address in network

    After receiving the getaddr message, the node returns an addr message as response and provides information about the known nodes on the network.

  5. getheaders

    Size Field DataType Description
    32*? HashStart uint256[] hash of latest block that node requests
    32 HashStop uint256 hash of last block that node requests

    Make requests to a node for at most 2000 blocks’ header packages that contain HashStart to HashStop. To get the block hash after that, you need to resend the getheaders message. This message is used to quickly download the blockchain which does not contain the transactions.

  6. headers

    Size Field DataType Description
    ?*? Headers header[] head of the block

    After receiving the getheaders message, the node returns a header message as response and provides information about the known nodes on the network.

  7. getblocks

    Size Field DataType Description
    32*? HashStart uint256[] hash of latest block that node requests
    32 HashStop uint256 hash of last block that node requests

    Make requests to a node for inv message which starts from HashStart to HashStop. The number of blocks which starts from HashStart to HashStop is up to 500. If you want to get block hash more than that you need to resend getblocks message.

  8. inv

    Size Field DataType Description
    36*? Inventories inv_vect[] data of inventories

    The node can broadcast the object information it owns by this message. The message can be sent automatically or can be used to answer getbloks messages.

    Object information is included in the list:

    Size Field DataType Description
    4 Type uint32 type of object
    32 Hash uint256 hash of object

    Object types:

    Value Name Description
    0x01 TX transaction
    0x02 Block block
    0xe0 Consensus consensus data
  9. getdata

    Size Field DataType Description
    36*? Inventories inv_vect[] data of inventories

    To request a specified object from a node: It is usually sent after the inv packet is received and the known element removed.

  10. block

    Size Field DataType Description
    ? Block block block

    Sending a block to a node to respond the getdata message.

  11. tx

    Size Field DataType Description
    ? Transaction tx transaction

    Sending a transaction to a node to respond getdata message.