This repository contains scripts to download SEC EDGAR data and format it for Neo4j loading and analytics. Specially to:
- form13: Obtain information on investment managers and the companies they purchase stock from using Form 13. An FAQ on Form 13 is available here.
- form10-k: Obtain text from 10-K filings for a fraction of the above companies
EDGAR uses HTTP for access. A writeup on that is here.
To run the scripts you will need to install dependencies:
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install python3 python3-dev
sudo apt -y install screen wget
sudo python3
sudo pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pandas tqdm xmltodict beautifulsoup4 secedgar
You can now run the scripts for each form.
To do
To do
Now that you have Form-13 and Form 10-K you can push them to Google cloud storage.
To do so, set the environment variables:
gcloud init
Now copy the Form 13 data:
gsutil cp data/form13.csv gs://neo4j-datasets/hands-on-lab/form13-2023.csv
gsutil cp data/form13-2023-05-11.csv gs://neo4j-datasets/hands-on-lab/form13-2023-05-11.csv
# to do -
And copy Form 10-K:
gsutil cp data/ gs://neo4j-datasets/hands-on-lab/