Based on the awesome work by PixelStik this is a clean Python implementation with some minor tweaks and use of Alpine-ARM for the JDK.
It uses Hypriot OS (a Raspbian variant) for a working Docker environment on your Raspberry Pi.
Download the latest installation from here:
Copy the image to your SD card and boot.
Default logins:
Username: pi
Password: raspbery
or for root:
Username: root
Password: hypriot
Update the packages in the install after booting initially with:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Then install docker-compose separately:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install docker-compose
Now everything should come together:
$ docker-compose up
will build and start three different Docker containers
- Teamcity server
- Teamcity build agent
- Python base installation
Open http://:8111 to access Teamcity. There are some remaining steps that you need to do in the web UI, especially authorising the build agent.