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We've just witnessed the birth of something so galacticbreaking, even my genius intellect is struggling to comprehend it. Brace yourselves, 'cause it's about to get schwifty!

butter robot passing VortexPickMaster

Burp Introducing the most revolutionary, mind-bending, and downright interdimensional multiselector component ever created! Yeah, you heard it right. We've got a React multiselector that's so advanced, it makes the Citadel of Ricks look like a daycare center for Jerry's.

I know, I know, you're all probably thinking, "Why should we care, Rick?" Well, you should care because this isn't just any multiselector; this is a tool that transcends dimensions. It's got more versatility than a portal gun on a Friday night bender. Whether you're selecting Mortys from dimension C-137 or Jerrys from dimension J-19ζ7, this bad boy's got you covered.

The UI? Oh, it's sleeker than a spaceship fueled by pure genius. The functionality? Smoother than the delivery of one of my classic one-liners. And the CSS? Well, let's just say it's so stylish, even Mr. Meeseeks would give it a thumbs up.

So, my dear interdimensional travelers, get ready to be blown away by the awesomeness of this React multiselector. It's not just a component; it's a game-changer. If you don't use it, just pop your boobles on tablet.

Don't be a Jerry. Embrace the future. Get schwifty with the multiselector. And remember, in the vast multiverse, there's only one VortexPickMaste .

Now go forth and conquer the coding cosmos, you nerds!

Technical Stuff

  • React magically figures out how to render and you dont pay with money
  • Zustand replica of Unity , you can talk where ever you like
  • Vite to slap code together, quick and efficient.

