This is used for two chain protein
conda install -c conda-forge -c schrodinger pymol-bundle
usage: [-h] [--input <file path>] [--first <first chain>] [--second <second chain>] [--label 1|0]
[--output <file path>] [--range <rang>] --input xxx.cif [--first a] [--second b] [--lable 1] [--output xxx.pse]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input <file path> model file cif or pdb
--first <first chain>
the first chain
--second <second chain>
the second chain
--label 1|0 1: label all residues;0: no labels for all
--output <file path> pse output file
--range <rang> rang for residue view with unit Å
python .\ --input C:\Users\aa\Downloads\fold_kcnj2_tmem63a\fold_kcnj2_tmem63a_model_2.cif
Please replace the .cif with yours