Nerve Global's Subgraphs are designed to source events from the Nerve Global contracts across various networks. Utilizing The Graph, they offer GraphQL endpoints for querying events and entities within the Nerve Global ecosystem. Detailed documentation and a quick-start guide are available at The Graph Documentation.
- Ethereum Mainnet: Release Pending
- Polygon (Matic): Nerve Global Subgraph (Temporary)
- Goerli: Nerve Global Subgraph - Goerli (Temporary)
- Mumbai: Release Pending
- Ethereum Mainnet: Release Pending
- Nerve Global: TBA
- Polygon (Matic) (Temporary):
- Nerve Global: 0x91596b44543016ddb5d410a51619d5552961a23b
- Goerli (Temporary):
- Nerve Global: 0xd0d83FFcF0102E5cea570e565d8f5dFA2086C39C
- Mumbai: Release Pending
- Nerve Global: TBA