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2020 04 27 Open NEST Developer Video Conference

terhorstd edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 6 revisions

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  1. Welcome
  2. Review of NEST User Mailing List
  3. Short introduction to Github project usage
  4. Project team round
  5. In-depth discussion

Introduction to Github project usage

The change to GitHub projects enables us to discuss topics in a more focused fashion than detailed issue-by-issue. Projects will give a general status update and can raise overarching questions into the discussion during the project team round.

  • We removed the "C:" category labels (Model, Kernel, PyNEST, Documentation, ...) and instead now make use of corresponding GitHub projects.
  • For each project we assigned a contact person that will take care of organizing work for that subset of cards.
  • Also the "P:" progress labels have been removed (with the exception of "blocked" and "won't fix"), as this is automatically tracked in the columns of the projects and is much easier to manage there.

The detailed issue-by-issue work on the other hand, is organized by the project groups separately and each group may decide to do separate meetings to discuss details. The Kanban-like board gives a comprehensive view on the current topics and enables also these dedicated discussions to focus more easily.

Project team round

  1. Models / NESTML

  2. PyNEST

  3. Kernel

  4. Installation

  5. Infrastructure

    • Upload Travis artifacts to S3? (in-depth)
  6. Documentation


  8. (Feature) Random number generation

  9. (Feature) Automated Testing

In-depth discussion

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