This repository contains the code used for the AngularJS Zürich's meetup Lazy loading in Angular 1.X with JSPM
Below are the steps followed during the meetup.
- node
- gulp
Run the example and open in your browser http://localhost:8088/index.html
cd main-module npm install gulp
Open the browser inspection (javascript console and network usage)
console output: all libraries missing, angular application cannot be loaded
install jspm and initialize main-module
npm install jspm jspm init (take all default values)
install dependencies
jspm install angular angular-material angular-ui-router css text npm:clean-css gulp
Reload your browser. You should see a nice message from the controller ;)
link local dependency
switch to lib-module-integration branch
git checkout lib-module-integration
register lib-module in local jspm registry (link)
cd ../lib-module jspm link github:lib-module
install lib-module in main-module
cd ../main-module jspm install github:lib-module --link gulp
Reload your browser. Now the message has been adapted by the lib-module library.
create the bundle
jspm bundle index.js bundle.js -minify --inject gulp
Reload your browser and check the network, all your app is now bundled within a single javascript file!! (bundle.js)