Triple scoring (task 1) - WSDM Cup 2017
We are a team of 4 from Complex Network Research Group (Murata Laboratory) - Tokyo Insitute of Technology. This repository is our submission to the 2017 WSDM Cup. In summary, the task is to predict human evaluation given name and country/profession.
- Setup personal computer to match each others. (Python 3.5.2, Tensorflow 0.10, scikit-learn 0.17.1, Anaconda virtual env, coding style, etc.)
- Literature review. (Paper listing, reading, and discussion)
- Competition score metric analysis.
- Finalize and present possible approaches.
- 27th: List of natural language models; tripartite networks.
- 28th: Paper reading; discussion about Skipgram and challenges in the training data and small set of labeled data.
- 29th: Discussion about data preprocessing and prototype.
- 30th: Meeting is skipped.