Lock file maintenance #1128
10 errors
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
src/Document/Fragment/Collection.php:9:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class Prismic\Document\Fragment\Collection is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
src/Exception/RuntimeError.php:9:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class Prismic\Exception\RuntimeError is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
src/Serializer/HtmlSerializer.php:50:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class Prismic\Serializer\HtmlSerializer is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
test/Smoke/ApiTest.php:19:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class PrismicSmokeTest\ApiTest is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
test/Smoke/CacheTest.php:17:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class PrismicSmokeTest\CacheTest is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
test/Smoke/Example/ExampleHydratingResultSetTest.php:15:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class PrismicSmokeTest\Example\ExampleHydratingResultSetTest is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
test/Smoke/PredicateUseCaseTest.php:14:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class PrismicSmokeTest\PredicateUseCaseTest is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
test/Smoke/PreviewExpiryTest.php:14:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class PrismicSmokeTest\PreviewExpiryTest is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
test/Smoke/QueryTest.php:10:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class PrismicSmokeTest\QueryTest is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)
Psalm [8.2, locked]:
test/Smoke/Serializer/HtmlSerializerTest.php:13:7: ClassMustBeFinal: Class PrismicSmokeTest\Serializer\HtmlSerializerTest is never extended and is not part of the public API, and thus must be made final. (see https://psalm.dev/361)