A freeboard with NETPIE datasource and widget plugins.
git clone https://github.com/netpieio/netpie-freeboard
To use a freeboard, just open the file index.html in any web browser. Under the DATASOURCE section, click ADD to create a new datasource then select NETPIE Microgear and configure as follows:
- NAME - This is the name of the datasource. It also holds a microgear object that is referenced by microgear[NAME]. Moreover this name will be registered as a microgear device alias that you can chat to.
- KEY - Microgear Key
- SECRET - Secret of the key
- DEVICE ALIAS - If needed you can name the datasource as a microgear so it can be reached by a function chat()
- SUBSCRIBE TOPICS - Topics that this datasource will subscribe. Wild cards # and + are allowed. The default value is /# meaning that it subscribes to all topics in this App ID.
As for the button widget, you can configure it to execute Javascipt codes upon the onClick event. In the picture below the button is configured to send a chat message to the device named pieslampher everytime it is clicked. The index 'mg1' is simply the reference of a microgear of a datasource netpie1 you entered in the datasource configurtion.