This Contao extension allows developer manually boot the page context of Contao when using custom routes.
Parts of the Contao CMS relies on the existing of global state initialized when rendering a page. Modules, content elements, insert tags and custom extensions might rely that this state is initialized.
For instance Contao developers access the $GLOBALS['objPage']
as there is no other way to get the current page.
However, when using a custom entrypoint, for example for an API, you don't have this state initialized. Using the Contao library and functionality might end in unexpected errors.
This is the point there this extension steps in. It allows you to boot the page context manually for your route.
In detail it, initialize following steps:
- The Contao framework
- Constant
if not defined. - Loading the page from the database
- Globals
- Initialize the locale of the request and the translator
- Loads the default language file
- Calls
- Initializes the page layout (triggers
- Contao
^7.1 || ^8.0
php composer.phar require netzmacht/contao-page-context --update-no-dev -o
First you have to provide a PageIdDeterminator. It's responsible to extract the page id from the given request.
You should limit the determinator to your special use case, that's why there is the match()
namespace My\Bundle;
use Netzmacht\Contao\PageContext\Request\PageIdDeterminator;
use Netzmacht\Contao\PageContext\Exception\DeterminePageIdFailed;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
final class MyPageIdDeterminator implements PageIdDeterminator
public function match(Request $request): bool
return ($request->attributes->get('_my_context') === 'page');
public function determinate(Request $request): int
if (!$request->attributes->has('pageId')) {
throw new DeterminePageIdFailed('Could not determine page id for from request.');
return $request->attributes->getInt('pageId');
Now you have to register it as a service and tag it as Netzmacht\Contao\PageContext\Request\PageIdDeterminator
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<service id="My\Bundle\MyPageIdDeterminator">
<tag name="Netzmacht\Contao\PageContext\Request\PageIdDeterminator" />
As already seen in the example above, a custom route attribute is accessed, here _my_context
. You should define it in
your route configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<routes xmlns=""
<route id="my_route" controller="My\Bundle\Action\ApiAction" path="/my/api/{pageId}" >
<default key="_my_context">page</default>
<default key="_scope">frontend</default>
<requirement key="pageId">\d+</requirement>
That's it. If you try to access $GLOBALS['objPage']
you should have the page object. Good news, you can avoid
accessing the global state. Your current Request have a new attribute, called _page_context
namespace My\Bundle\Action;
use Netzmacht\Contao\PageContext\Request\PageContext;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
final class ApiAction
public function __invoke(Request $request): Response
/** @var PageContext $context */
$context = $request->attributes->get('_page_context');
return new JsonResponse(
'pageId' => $context->page()->id,
'rootId' => $context->rootPage()->id,